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Visit this post for a list of recent banking issues in QuickBooks Online.

"Online Banking Administration" user is randomly creating suppliers automatically when it syncs my accounts. How do I stop this?

Hello Community Users, we just wanted to pop in and update this thread that the engineering team have resolved this issue. There should be no more suppliers randomly creating through open banking administration. If you're having a similar problem, please let us know and we'll be happy to get this looked into ASAP. 

Level 3

"Online Banking Administration" user is randomly creating suppliers automatically when it syncs my accounts. How do I stop this?

Well, can you update your engineering team again, and let them know that this crap has just started again!!

4 new suppliers added on the 13th March, and another 1 added on the 19th March.

This is on top of the 21 'hidden' suppliers that I still have from last year that QuickBooks apparently can't delete.


Level 3

"Online Banking Administration" user is randomly creating suppliers automatically when it syncs my accounts. How do I stop this?

Please re-open case 1595135340 - Automatically added suppliers
I have tried emailing, but it would appear that because it doesn't correspond to an open case, I have to go through chat again - I wasted over four hours with them last time, so am not prepared to do that again.

Please either reopen the case, or provide me an email address that I can send the information to.

QuickBooks Team

"Online Banking Administration" user is randomly creating suppliers automatically when it syncs my accounts. How do I stop this?

 Hi CH360, thanks for joining this thread.


As per the conclusions from your escalated case, at this time there is no way for the mentioned generated Supplier profiles to be removed from your account, other than inactivating, or editing the created Supplier profiles.


This has been fed back to our higher team as a development point to address in the future. As such, the case has been closed due to no imminent updates and in accordance with your email. The agreed refund has also been applied to your account. 


If you require support with any further issues, please don't hesitate to get back in touch. 

Level 3

"Online Banking Administration" user is randomly creating suppliers automatically when it syncs my accounts. How do I stop this?

I'm glad you took the time to check the case notes, but I'm not sure you read my post properly.

The problem is back again.

More suppliers are being created AGAIN

I am wasting loads of time trying to do my accounts AGAIN


Please advise your engineering team that they need to fix this problem AGAIN.

Thank you.

Level 3

"Online Banking Administration" user is randomly creating suppliers automatically when it syncs my accounts. How do I stop this?


And I was wondering just the other day why I saw Starbucks in the suppliers list again.


I have a question for the QBO team - does your development team know what a change and bug tracking is? How in the world did they manage to REINTRODUCE the old bug in the new commit? Do they just jump back and forth between older releases and branch off of older commits disregarding everything that was fixed afterwards and call it the latest and greatest commit? Do you have a testing team to review the code before it gets deployed GLOBALLY AND FOR EVERYONE? Do you have proper development procedures in place? You are a big company, you are not a mom and pop shop that runs and patches their product from a questionable basement in the middle of nowhere full of pinecones and a dialup internet.


I cannot comprehend this.


Level 3

"Online Banking Administration" user is randomly creating suppliers automatically when it syncs my accounts. How do I stop this?

I'm jumping ship.

No further response from Quickbooks on this thread, and no attempt to re-open my ticket as requested.
The problem is still there, and I'm just wasting so much time.
I've just signed up to Xero for £3 per month for the next 6 months, and am hugely looking forward to:

1) Not having random suppliers set up for me without my consent.

2) Not having to check, double check and undo the corruption to my transactions that appears to be automatically added by hidden rules that the developers have added somewhere that I can't access (AGAIN)

3) Placeholders for recurring invoices which will allow me to automatically enter month/date details into my recurring invoices


If placeholders existed in QBO, I might have carried on with them, but since this is a basic feature that has been requested many times for many years and has still gone unanswered, I'm going elsewhere.

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