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Visit this post for a list of recent banking issues in QuickBooks Online.
Bob B
Level 1

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

As I import transactions from each of my bank and credit card accounts, QuickBooks online presents me with many transactions to view where the only choice to be made to match it is what date it occurred.  Most times, it is the same date as the transaction itself.  Why can't QBO figure this out and not have me do all this extra useless work?

Best answer May 27, 2020

Accepted Solutions
QuickBooks Team

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hey Michael80, Matches are found by the system and it looks at the date, Account, and amount and this is not something that can be switched off. Any transactions that are the same/similar would appear to have more than one match found and you will need to select the relevant one. Appreciate this may be time-consuming to yourself, You could possibly look at setting up rules (we have included a help article on setting up rules here) so that it automatically adds them into QuickBooks for you. Becky

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QuickBooks Team

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hi Michael80 :waving_hand:, Yeah and I too understand in what you're saying, It's just the way QuickBooks is programmed please feel free to leave feedback in the product so that the product engineers can pick this up as you may not be the only one that has this issue and it may be something that they look at. Becky

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QuickBooks Team

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hey Bob B,


The banking feature searches for amounts and dates, if these match then this should automatically show as 'Match' on the action column of the Banking For-Review page.


If the amount is different to the manual transaction, then you are able to locate a match by clicking into the transaction to review, selecting 'Find match' and searching transactions within a specified time frame. 



Bob B
Level 1

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

The issue is that QBO's matching engine does not seem to search beyond the amount.  When there are recurring entries for the same amount, but different dates (like a monthly payment or transfer) it does NOT match the transaction, instead I have to manually match the incoming bank transaction to the right date, which is obvious as it matches the date of the incoming transaction.  This should be something the QBO matching engine should do and not make the user do.....when it is that obvious. 

Level 2

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Unfortunately I have the same issue and reconciliation is a massive, laborious pain.


I can't see the logic of suggesting a match which is 20 days away from the transaction, while an obvious match exists with the correct name and date.


I contacted tech support and they verified that we have no control of how QBO recognised possible matches. They could just have a couple of settings of how tight we want the matches, I understand each business is different. But in online retail, you generally get payment on the same day and time as the order happens.

John C
QuickBooks Team

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hi Michael80


We appreciate your frustrations however there are many companies that do want the ability to find match for payments that relate to a wide date range due to the terms and conditions of their invoices.

Level 2

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Thanks for the reply John.


Well of course, I mentioned as much in my previous comment. But QBO matching makes a poor job of selecting the correct match (when date and name both match perfectly) and there is no setting for customers to tweak the matching.


So QBO hasn't got a good matching algorithm and doesn't offer any customisation options to users so we can improve the situation. The official solution is "throw hours of manual labour at the problem".

QuickBooks Team

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hey Michael80, Matches are found by the system and it looks at the date, Account, and amount and this is not something that can be switched off. Any transactions that are the same/similar would appear to have more than one match found and you will need to select the relevant one. Appreciate this may be time-consuming to yourself, You could possibly look at setting up rules (we have included a help article on setting up rules here) so that it automatically adds them into QuickBooks for you. Becky

Level 2

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hi Becky,


Thank you for trying.

What you are saying is true in the broad sense. But the matching by QBO is very broad so if there is, let's say, a transaction of ÂŁ16 on 15/03/20 (the correct match with the same date) and another transaction for ÂŁ16 on 10/04/20, QBO will suggest both and often prefer the later transaction!


What's even more annoying is that both the bank statement line and the correct payment transaction include the customer name but QBO suggests both possible transactions and even prefers the wrong one often. The QBO algorithm is very lazy like that with no way to adjust it.


And there is no possible rule that can be implemented for individual retail sales matching, correct me if I'm wrong. Each bank statement line comes with a different name.

QuickBooks Team

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hi Michael80 :waving_hand:, Yeah and I too understand in what you're saying, It's just the way QuickBooks is programmed please feel free to leave feedback in the product so that the product engineers can pick this up as you may not be the only one that has this issue and it may be something that they look at. Becky

Level 2

Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hi Becky,


Sure I could do that. Is there a dedicated feedback/feature request page?


Thank you


Why can't QuickBooks Online match incoming bank transactions using the date?

Hi there, Michael80.


Yes, there's a page in QBO where you can submit your feedback. Here's how:


  1. Click the Gear icon in the upper-right hand corner and select Feedback
  2. Type in your feedback and click Next.

Don't hesitate to visit us again in the Community if you need anything else. 

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