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Visit this post for a list of recent banking issues in QuickBooks Online.
Level 2

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Had a series of emails from QB inviting me to click the link and approve Open Banking. However, no matter which links I click and sign in, there's no onward indicator of what needs to happen - i'm just left in the standard /banking domain.


Have to say the rollout of this has been pretty poor communication and clarity wise - can someone please advise how to resolve?

QuickBooks Team

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hello Tuwilliger, 


Welcome to the |Communtiy page, 


Do you get any error message or codes when you try to update your Lloyds account to the new open banking system? 

Level 2

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hi @Ashleigh1 


Thanks for coming back to me.


So at the moment I'm clicking the link shown in various emails from QB (attached). Then, when I'm taken to my QB account, specifically the banking page, there's no indication of what to do next.

I've hit the 'update' button on that page several times over the last few weeks but other than manually do an update (like it did before) nothing happens.


Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 15.35.02.png


Subsequently, I've received an email this week saying my bank feed has now been disconnected. I'm somewhat lost!

QuickBooks Team

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hello Tuwilliger, 


So is your bank Connected in Quickbooks or not? 


If not go to add account search Lloyds and follow the steps and it should connect your account to the new open banking and pull though the transactions you need. 


Let us know how you get on if you get any error codes or messages. 

Level 2

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hi @Ashleigh1 


Yes, it's been connected through the standard/previous feed for at least a year. So to that end I can't really tell what needs to happen next. I can still manually update it, but I'm unclear on how to activate the new open bank format.


When I arrive at the /banking page from the link, there's no messaging or indication of what to do next, or if clicking "update" from the manual option has had any effect (I'm guessing not since I had that recent "you've been disconnected" email


Thanks for your help


Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

It's our pleasure to help, @tuwilliger


You can either connect this new account or merge this old and new account to pull up new transactions. 


If you disconnect a bank account, it will stop pulling up new transactions. However, the account will stay active. Then, add this new account to get new transactions.


But if you’ll decide to merge this old and new account, you’ll need to connect this updated bank connection to your account. Just make sure to set it up having the same Account and Detail Type from your Chart of Accounts. 


Here's how:

  1. Go to the Accounting menu and click on the Chart of Accounts tab and locate the account you want to make inactive (old account).
  2. Select the drop-down arrow then select Edit.
  3. Add the same name of the account you want to retain on the Name field.
  4. Hit Save and Close.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the merge.

To learn more about this process, see this article: How to merge accounts, customers, and suppliers


Here’s more information about the error you’re having: Fix banking error 324 - Standard feeds


The Community is always here if you need further help with your bank connection. We're always glad to help in any way we can. 

Level 2

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hi @MJoy_D 


Thanks for your detailed reply.


However, I'm still confused by what you're asking me to do. The link in the email from QB takes me to the "banking" area, whereas you're asking me to go to "Accounting" which appears to just be a list of transactions that have happened on the account?


To be clear, and sorry if I'm completely misunderstanding here, but we need to fix the "bank feed" to the new standard? I'd have expected it to be done from the "banking" page (I've tried clicking the usual update button but it doesn't seem to have much effect)?


To be honest, I'm unclear why the emails sent from QB on this 1. Take me to the banking page and 2. provide no further steps on what to do from there.


Can you review and let me know where I'm going wrong? I'm completely at sea with this!




Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hello again, @tuwilliger. I appreciate you getting back and provided more information.


Allow me to join the thread and clarify things out.


The email you've received is a confirmation that some of your bank accounts are now ready for an upgrade for the new Open Banking connection. Upon clicking the Update my account button, you'll be routed to the Banking page.


From there, you'd see a banner Upgrade now on each bank account. You'd need to click that button to complete the process and follow the on-screen steps. But, if the prompt isn't available yet, then I recommend visiting the Banking page from time to time.


On the other hand, if the Upgrade now button is available and you encounter an error upon connecting. Then I suggest reaching out to our Customer Support team by going to the Help ? icon in QuickBooks. We have a reported issue about this so they can add you to the list of affected users.


Additionally, to learn more about Open Banking connection see this article: Open Banking Connection Errors.


If you need anything else, let me know by commenting below. I'm here for you. Have a great day!

Level 2

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Thanks @MirriamM 


So to confirm a few things here:


1. The advice given by your previous colleague around the Accounting/Chart of Accounts page was incorrect?

2. Having refollowed your advice, I still see no "upgrade now" banner, so for now, I'm simply left in the wilderness with a disconnected bank account until by chance I happen to log in and the banner has updated?

3. There's no guarantee as to when, or even if, this update will happen?


This has been quite a frustrating process at a time when SME's really need things like accountancy software to be on their game with communication and messaging - we've got a lot else to worry about right now in the light of world events.



John C
QuickBooks Team

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hi tuwilliger


What type of Lloyds account is it that you are attempt to update/connect. Can you confirm whether or not you have attempted to disconnect/re-connect the account?

Level 2

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hi @John C 


Thanks for your prompt reply.

If I go to do that, I get this message:


Screenshot 2020-03-17 at 09.27.56.png


Do I have to go through a completely new application process with my bank? 

John C
QuickBooks Team

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hi tuwilliger


This appears to be the old type of connection, direct feed. We would be grateful if you can disconnect it and use the add account to create a new connection.

Level 2

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Thanks @John C 


I've completed that process and now both my bank account and a tax saver pot I use (same bank) are showing at £0 respectively. Is that normal at this point?

QuickBooks Team

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hello Tuwilliger, 



If your bank balance shows £0.00 after connecting to your bank account in QuickBooks, sign out and sign in again to QuickBooks. Then, you should see the correct bank balance. If not, select the Update button to try again. If it still doesn't show your balance then if you can try to clear cache and cookies or try logging into QuickBooks see if the balance shows if not try login in an incognito / a private window. One of these should show the balance show up for you. 


Let us know how you get on. 

Level 2

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

Hi @John C 


Success! Many thanks for taking the time with me and giving me clear help that resolved the issue. I appreciate your efforts (and to the other colleagues who responded)


Many thanks

QuickBooks Team

Help getting Open Banking to work with Lloyds

That's great to hear. :grinning_face::thumbs_up:

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