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Product Updates – August 2021

General Ledger Summary Report Speed Improvement

The General Ledger Summary report in QuickBooks Online is a popular report for assessing the movement in accounts by comparing the balances from one period to another. We have made technical improvements to this report which has resulted in the report being generated up to 40% faster.

The team will continue to explore ways to further improve the speed this report can be generated, with a goal to decrease the production time to less than 10 seconds.

GL Summary Report

Prepare to Lodge link added to Books Review

To help streamline the BAS preparation process in QuickBooks Online, we’ve added a new tab within Books Review called Prepare to Lodge. This allows Advisors to easily access the Prepare BAS workflow in the GST Centre as soon as they’ve completed the BAS preparation work.

This is just the start of additional functionality for the Books Review area. Watch this space.

Books Review - Prepare to Lodge Link

Ability to Annotate Documents

For those times you would like to add a note or highlight content in reports for your team or your clients, we’ve added the ability to annotate your documents.

This functionality is found in the Documents tab in the Prep for Taxes area of QuickBooks Online Accountant and allows you to highlight content, add notes and draw on your documents.

See it in action here

Annotate Reports in QBO

Improved Advisor Phone Support

To speed up the identification process when an Advisor calls our Customer Success team, we have improved our Intelligent Voice Assistant (IVA) to collect key information such as their 16-digit customer ID before connecting the Advisor to the Customer Success team member.

This enables the Customer Success team member to open the call ticket quickly and start helping faster, with initial results indicating this improvement is saving several minutes per call.

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