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Level 3

Chart of Accounts

I have touched on this before but I am still struggling what be the best way to set up account numbers that would carry over from one year to the next to provide a year to year comparison without requiring the creation of new accounts each year as per the following:

  • we conduct two to three carving classes each year
  • the instructors normally do not change
  • the items being carved do change

I am currently looking at the following set up:

47250    Workshop Fees

472501  2021 - Instructor "A" - Carving "A"

472502  2021 - Instructor "B" - Carving "B"

472503  2021 - Instructor "C" - Carving "C"

My dilemma is:

  • I don't want to create a new set of accounts to cover 2022 and subsequent years as I will eventually run out of numbers 
  • the Carving items for 2021 will change in 2022
  • if I drop both the year and carving Items leaving only the Instructor names this will work but it doesn't provide much detail

Question: if I leave the current account numbers with their respective titles can I change those same account number titles to reflect the 2022 year, instructor name and carving item?  If so, would this create a problem with QuickBooks?.  That is to say, would QuickBooks only look at the account numbers for a year to year comparison and would this affect how Desktop closes out the fiscal year?

I apologize if I have not made myself clear.

Any suggestions/recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


1 Comment 1
QuickBooks Team

Chart of Accounts

Hello Carving, 


Welcome back to the Community. I can see the benefit of being able to set up account numbers that are simple for you to manage in the future. QuickBooks offers the flexibility you need to be able to customize your account numbers so you can manage them without any hassle. 


Changing the account number doesn't affect your account totals. Making this change will affect how your accounts appear on your reports. Here's how to edit your Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks:

  1. Navigate to the Lists menu, then select Chart of Accounts.
  2. Right-click on the account that you want to edit.
  3. Click on Edit Account.
  4. Update the account details.
  5. Hit Save & Close.

To learn more about editing your accounts, check out this article here. Let me know if this info helps by leaving a comment below. You're more than welcome to ask other questions, I'm here to assist. 


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