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Level 1

How to select statement ending date when trying to reconcile if it keeps showing in red

Beginning balance is correct. I enter the ending balance fine but when I try to select the ending date it turns red and will not allow me to proceed.
1 Comment 1
QuickBooks Team

How to select statement ending date when trying to reconcile if it keeps showing in red

Hello longarcmechanica,


Welcome to Community!  QuickBooks Online enables you to uploadyour bank statements, so you can reconcile your accounts effortlessly.  It's essential that you're able to get started by entering the required elements.  I would be glad to help!


If you're attempting to reconcile your account from the QuickBooks mobile app, I suggest logging into your books from a web browser.  If you experience the same issue, I recommend performing some troubleshooting steps.  It may be that your browser has an excessive amount of frequently accessed page resources, which can cause some errors and performance issues.  If you haven't done so already, clear the cache on your regular browser.  I also suggest opening your QuickBooks Online account using a private browser, using one of these keyboard shortcuts:


  • Google Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Safari: Command + Shift + N

Once you're signed in, proceed to the reconciliation page. If you experience the same result, please don't hesitate to contact us. It would provide a great opportunity for us to work with you on a personal level, and assist you with accomplishing your QuickBooks goals as soon as possible! 


Feel free to touch base with us again, if you have other questions.  We would be happy to assist!

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