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Level 1

I am doing the rec for the credit card. The bal on the statement is a negative due. When I enter the neg. bal. it won't accept the negative. How do I enter a neg balance?

I have used a negative sign and brackets. Neither work. The balance keeps coming up positive.
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QuickBooks Team

I am doing the rec for the credit card. The bal on the statement is a negative due. When I enter the neg. bal. it won't accept the negative. How do I enter a neg balance?

Hello larissap,


Glad to have you connect with us here. QuickBooks is a powerful program that enables you streamline your work using the powerful accounting features offered in the program. Rest assured, I'll be happy to share more info so you're on the right track. 


The function you've described above isn't available in QuickBooks. You'd have to enter a number that's 0 or greater. I can see the benefit of having this function and I encourage you to send feedback about this to our engineers. You can send feedback by clicking on the Gear icon and looking for Feedback. When it comes to recording the transaction in question, I recommend getting in touch with your accountant for expert advice on how handle the transaction.


Let me know if you have other questions by leaving a comment below. I'm here to help. 

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