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Balance sheet figure for the accounts payable is different from my subledger.

I'm using the Enterprise Ver, and my Bal Sheet figure is different from my AP Summary report. How do I fix it? I know which Vendor the difference is in.
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QuickBooks Team

Balance sheet figure for the accounts payable is different from my subledger.

Hi F0xb0r0,


Thanks for connecting with us here. QuickBooks Desktop is a powerful program that helps you get ahead with your work. I'll be happy to share more info and steer you in the right direction. 


The disagreement between your Balance Sheet and your Accounts Payable  report could be a  result of future payments made against current bills. It's also important to note that the Accounts Payable doesn't include bills that show that they've been paid, so while they may seem to disagree, both the Balance Sheet and the Accounts Payable Aging Detail reports are correct because the bill is no longer open. From your Reports center, I recommend looking for the Supplier Balance report that agrees with the Balance Sheet. You can customize the Supplier Balance report to run as of the date on the Balance Sheet and change its Aging method to Report Date.


Let me know if this info helps. I'll be one message away in case you need anything else. 


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