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Can i add new price and quantity of the same old product which i have in inventory saved? if i changed the cost of goods and sale price will it effect my cogs?

i have my old cost of good and quantity saved in qb online now i have received same product with new price so i want to add new quantity and cogs and sale price without effecting old my invoices
1 Comment 1

Can i add new price and quantity of the same old product which i have in inventory saved? if i changed the cost of goods and sale price will it effect my cogs?

It's great to see you here, @shahfooddistribu.


I can share some insights about updating an item's quantity and price.


When you changing the quantity and the price of a product, this will not affect previously entered transactions. The amount on the historical entries will remain the same as reported.


The changes will only apply to future transactions created in the system, including your COGS value.


Whenever you're ready to update the item's details, you can refer to these articles:



I'll be right here to help you with your products and services concerns. Come back to this thread anytime or mention my name if you need further assistance. Have a good one.

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