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I need a report to show specific income and expense categories as well as an owners draw. When I try to set this up I do not get the owners draw.

1 Comment 1
QuickBooks Team

I need a report to show specific income and expense categories as well as an owners draw. When I try to set this up I do not get the owners draw.

Hi there, 


I see the benefit of running a report which shows you all the necessary information at once. I'd be glad to share more insights on this. 


To view the info you're looking for, I recommend running a Transaction Detail by Account Report. To find this report, click Reports from the left navigation menu, enter the name of the report in the search field and hit search. Once you have the report pulled up, make sure your dates are correct and hit the Customize button. Since you'd like to view specific account, select the Filter drop-down after you hit Customize, check mark the Distribution Account option and select the accounts you'd like to view. 


Here's a screenshot for visual reference: 



To view the info, hit Run report and you should see the info you're looking for. Give these steps a try and let me know how you make out. I'll be here in case you have further questions. 

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