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Level 2

How do i add a discount line to an invoice

can qb desktop made this type templet

QuickBooks Team

How do i add a discount line to an invoice

Hello nain040903,


Welcome to this thread about using discounts in QuickBooks. Making sure you have the right setup to properly discount your customers is key, and I'd be happy to review how it's done for QuickBooks Desktop.


In QuickBooks Desktop, there isn't a way to add or configure the discount option on a template, like in QuickBooks Online, however, it's definitely still possible to set up and use discounts for your customers in the program. I've gone over the steps previously in this thread, but I'll link you directly to them here for ease of access: steps to work with discount items in QuickBooks Desktop. Give those steps a read and let me know if you'd like any clarification about my steps given.


If you're meaning you're looking for an option for setting different price points for different customers, I recommend taking a peek at Price Levels for QuickBooks Desktop Pro and Premier or Price Rules for QuickBooks Enterprise. They're similar features. It's just that Enterprise's Price Rules provides more customization options. This article gives an overview of both: Use Advanced Pricing


I hope this has been helpful, but please feel free to share more details about what you're looking to do if what I've mentioned doesn't quite answer your question. I'm here to help!

Level 2

How do i add a discount line to an invoice

how i add discount line by line or by item wise ...need discount coloumn

QuickBooks Team

How do i add a discount line to an invoice

Hello nain040903. Just to confirm, are you using QuickBooks Online or Desktop? 

Level 2

How do i add a discount line to an invoice


QuickBooks Team

How do i add a discount line to an invoice

Hi Maryqueentrade,


QuickBooks Desktop enables you to enter discount items to your sales forms.  This can be done by creating a discount item.  I do understand how beneficial it would be to add a discount column, although this isn't available at this time.  Please feel free to submit Feedback, to our Development Team.


Feel free to reach out again, with other questions.  We would be glad to assist!

See original post.

Level 3

How do i add a discount line to an invoice

I think I might have been the originator of at least this thread about this decades long need that the Quickbooks team has never adequately addressed, and returned to say to the suggestion that somehow "discount items" are are an adequate stop-gap solution.....they're not.

For those of us who have to grant "discounts" on invoices, especially in the case of rentals of real property or equipment, plussing the items on the invoice with another item causes a fairly massive headache at accounting time.  

if I rent someone:
1 ea. - expensive widget - $500.00 a week
5 ea. - cheap widget - 100.00 a week

then add "discount: $200.00",

tell me where in Quickbooks reports I can reliably calculate my yearly profit or loss on either the expensive widget item or the cheap widget item and know that that total reflects the example above (even if taken on it's own for the purpose of this argument), any sensible application of discounts to items?!? you can't.

Even if you littered your invoices with the "discount" items *per actual line item*, then tell me where at the end of the year I can make a report total the yearly billing for expensive widget minus the discounts on expensive widget? Not sure that report is possible either, and it would require a discount item for every single item on your invoice.  

I even explored the idea of pairing discount items with every actual item in my invoicing of rentals....but realized madness that way lies.

The only real actual solution is a discount column, and/or a MUCH more robust "discount item" that when found on an invoice, can follow some application rules such as "apply discount equally by percentage to all items" or "apply discounts only to discounted items for accounting purposes" then pair that with settable discountable/not discountable flags for each item in inventory.

But of course we have none of that.  Still. After decades.

We can sit here and theorize about all the ways it could be better or could work but the point is....the "discount" item isn't a workable solution, and creates as much manual work at the end of the year to do one's accounting as quickbooks itself might be saving you.

I'll leave it to others to file the feature request - if they ignored my request for the past 15 years, why would they start implementing it now?

Postscript: I gave up accounting for rentals in Quickbooks. It's just not good at it and appears it never will be.

Level 2

How do i add a discount line to an invoice

Im honestly shocked! That you made this suggestion on having a discount column on QBO invoice 15 years ago and they haven’t done anything about it. Waw that means I really have to start looking for other accounting software. They clearly don’t care about what their clients need. 

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