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Is there a way to change the settings within a Bill? Currently it automatically posts GST to GST Payable. I want it to post to GST Paid. Can this be changed?

1 Comment 1
Alex M
QuickBooks Team

Is there a way to change the settings within a Bill? Currently it automatically posts GST to GST Payable. I want it to post to GST Paid. Can this be changed?

Hi there pillingtamie-gma,


Thanks for reaching out about your taxes. QuickBooks Online is a great tool able to help you keep track of tax on transactions so you know the amount to file. I can provide some information about how tax is tracked in QuickBooks Online.


The amount of tax collected on sales as well as the ones paid on expenses is kept in the Taxes Payable account, and affects your filling lines based on the tax code used. Once you go into the taxes tab, and mark it as filed, the amount will be moved from the Taxes Sayable to the Taxes Suspense account. Then, once you've made your payment, the amount will be moved from your payment account, like bank or credit card, and be put into the Suspense account to pay that liability. If its a refund, the money from the suspense account will be moved to the payment account instead.


If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out here.

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