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Top 5 Features in QuickBooks Online Accountant That Improve Workflow

There are so many tools available in QuickBooks Online Accountant that will not only improve your workflow process but will benefit your client’s business as well. From keeping your firm organized by assigning lead accountants to having all your important documents in one place, QuickBooks Online Accountant is on your side when it comes to creating an efficient firm.

Here are the top 5 workflow features in QuickBooks Online Accountant.

1. Assign Lead Accountants

QuickBooks Online Accountant allows you to assign team members as lead accountants for different clients. Lead accountants act as the primary contact for that client and manages their books. You can assign your team member to one of your clients or have a client invite an accountant in your firm directly. This feature means that you will be able to establish responsibility among firm team members and keep your work organized.

2. Automated Bank Feeds and Transaction Sorting

These automated features are the epitome of efficiency. Automated bank feeds and transaction sorting will save you and your firm time on manual data entry, so you can focus your energy on more pertinent things. You can have transactions, statements and receipts uploaded to the proper client’s file on the server nightly, which means you will have access to your client’s data when you need it. No more combing through paper receipts and statements.

Sorting through transactions is time consuming. As you track bills and reconcile transactions, the system will recognize recurring items and automatically sort them for you, saving you even more time as you grow.

3. Month-End Review

The month-end review feature takes all the hassle out of reviewing transactions at the end of the month. QuickBooks scans all the transactions that have occurred over the month and lists any issues where data may be missing as well as provides an itemized list for month-end tasks. Get highlights of issues with uncategorized transactions, transactions without payees, and more all in one place. This feature will allow you to close your client’s books more efficiently at month’s end.

4. Workpapers Built-In

With Workpapers built-in to your QuickBooks Online Accountant software, there is no need to transfer files between tools to complete a compilation engagement. Your client’s data is already in QuickBooks so you are one click away from your year-end workflow. You can make adjustments, add attachments, notes, gifi mappings, and create custom financial statements all without leaving QuickBooks Online Accountant.

5. Tax Built-In with Pro Tax

File tax returns directly from QuickBooks Online Accountant. With Pro Tax built right into QuickBooks Online, you can file T1 and T2 returns without exporting data from one tool to another. With one click, you can send your gifi tax mappings from Workpapers into Pro Tax, without leaving the tool. Plus with features like T1 Express Data Entry and Active Auditor you can ensure accuracy and get to efile faster.

Bonus: Performance Dashboard

Though not a feature that impacts workflow, the performance dashboard is where you can spend all that extra time you’ll have saved with these five features. This dashboard will give you a quick, clear picture of how well your client’s business is doing so you can provide valuable insights in real time. Key metrics and trends will show if their finances are going in the right direction.

Ready to see how efficient your firm can be? Sign up for QuickBooks Online Accountant for free to try it for yourself.

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