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Credit card transactions

I'm trying to expense my credit card transactions, however when I go into the Charter of Accounts it shows all transactions as a credit card credited along with the returns I had made on the credit card too.

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QuickBooks Team

Credit card transactions

Hello Emir, 


Organizing your credit card transactions is paramount to the accuracy and health of your books. Running a small business is a full-time task, and QuickBooks is here to help save some of your free time by making accounting quick and simple. I'll point you in the right direction for support with this. 


If your credit card account is synced to the Bank Feed (see this article for details), you won't have to worry about manually recording or importing your transactions. That means that everything will show up accurately, and you don't have to worry about expenses appearing as income. 

It sounds like your account may not be synced to the Bank Feed. In that case, it's more likely you've added it as an account straight from the Chart of Accounts. When setting up a new account in the COA, ensure you've selected the account type as "Credit Card", rather than "Bank". Since credit cards and debit cards (regular bank accounts) operate differently, this may be the reason why your expenses appear as income. 


You can verify the account type by clicking Accounting > Chart of Accounts. Then, locate your account and look at it's label in the "Type" column. If your account is set up as a bank account, open a new credit card account and enter your transactions there. 


If you need a hand with that, or if you have further questions, please reach out to our tech support team for more assistance. You can contact us here


Have a great day!

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