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Level 1

I accidently added an employee who was already on payroll Now i have 2 people with the same name and i cant run payroll until this is corrected

2 Comments 2
Level 4

I accidently added an employee who was already on payroll Now i have 2 people with the same name and i cant run payroll until this is corrected

Hi @sharecommunitypr 

Welcome to the QuickBooks Community. I can help with deleting that duplicate employee. Follow these steps, also keep in mind you can only delete employees that have no paychecks or pay history.

  1. Select Workers > Employees.
  2. Select the employee's name.
  3. Select Edit Employee.
  4. Select Delete employee.
  5. Select Yes to confirm the deletion.

If for any reason this doesn't work, you may need to try merging the employees. You can view on merging employees here . Let me know how it went and if you have any questions.

QuickBooks Team

I accidently added an employee who was already on payroll Now i have 2 people with the same name and i cant run payroll until this is corrected

Hi sharecommunitypr. I appreciate you reaching out to us here. In QuickBooks, you can either make an employee inactive or you can delete them. If you've already run payroll for the duplicate employee, you'll have an option to make them inactive. The option to delete an employee is available only for the employees you haven't run payroll for. Here's how to make an employee inactive:

  1. Navigate to the Employees section of the Payroll menu from the left.
  2. Choose the duplicate employee from the list, then click Edit.
  3. Change their Employment Status to Inactive

If you haven't processed payroll for the employee, the option to delete will show up when you click on their profile on the employee list. If you see an option to delete, I recommend deleting the duplicate employee from this screen. Give this a try and let me know if you have questions, I'm here to help you achieve your QuickBooks goals. 

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