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Level 3

Creating/Printing Cheques


I am setting up QuickBooks online for the first time so am kind of learning as I go, I used desktop 2019 at my last company.  When I use to pay our bills/print cheques I did it in the "Write Cheques" location on desktop, but with online now I am assuming I am now doing it under the category "Cheque" and "Print Cheque", my question is on the paystub it shows a GST line, is there a way to remove this, or is it common to leave it on there (or did I possible not set it up correct?  It did not show up when I printed cheques using the desktop version so am just curious. I do remember entering GST as its own line item on desktop and see online has the option to include it. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you

1 Comment 1
Alex M
QuickBooks Team

Creating/Printing Cheques

Hi there _G_


It's important that all your transactions are entered correctly for your books to be well balanced. QuickBooks Online is a great tool able to help you create and print cheques so you can pay your suppliers for their services. I can provide some information about cheques and taxes.


Within QuickBooks Online, when creating a cheque with a stub, the line item breakdown is shown on the stub, as well as the tax summary for the transaction. There isn't an option to remove the tax from the stub itself if you chose the cheque type as one with a stub. I can see that this would be a feature that you'd like to see to further customize the printing of your cheques. I recommend submitting feedback in the system by clicking on the Gear Icon, then Feedback. The comments made in that section are taken into consideration when designing new features for QuickBooks Online.


If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out here.

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