Hi Sarahd231,
Thanks for reaching out to us here. QuickBooks is a powerful program that simplifies the way you manage your work using the powerful features offered in the program. I'll be happy to share more info so you're on the right path with achieving your goals.
In order to sync two computers you'd need to use a third-party app that can help with simplifying this process. You can search for these apps our app store: www.desktop.apps.com. I recommend choosing an app that suits your business needs based on the app description and reviews. It's also important to note that while you can add, edit and remove list data, merging is NOT possible in multi-user mode. If you'd like to learn more about the utilizing the Multi-user mode I recommend checking out this article here.
Let me know if this info helps. I'll be one message away in case you have other questions. Otherwise, I wish you a great rest of the week.