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Level 4


My boss wants a report that shows on his rental property the entire picture of what was spent on the property and what income came in.  What does Quick-books have in the way of reporting that I can produce this type of report by property for my boss?  He wants expenses and income on this property.  He wants me to produce this type of report for all his properties but each property separately.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team


Hi missymarykay55,


Thanks for reaching out here.  QuickBooks Online has the valuable features you need to complete your daily bookkeeping tasks seamlessly.  Having a report to review transactions for your rental property can be done effortlessly.  I'll be happy to assist!


Based on the information you've provided, I recommend the Profit and Loss report.  This is a financial statement that includes income and expenses for a specific period of time and can be customized to include the information that matters most.  


Here's how to access the report:


1. Click on Reports from the left menu

2. In the Search field, type Profit and Loss

3. Open Customize

4. Select the desired Date range and any other options as you feel necessary

That's it!


Please don't hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions.  We'd be glad to assist!


Level 4


Ok if I want to do just one particular property then do I need to go into filters and select the class that I am looking for?  He wants it broke down by individual property.

QuickBooks Team


Correct, |I'd recommend looking into classes as they help you have a breakdown that makes it easy to gather the information you need. Here's an article that shows you how to: 

Get started with class tracking in QuickBooks Online. I encourage you to go through the article and let me know if you have questions. I'll be here. 

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