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Level 1

I want to input account numbers for customers. I have enabled this function in my settings but can not find it anywhere to select.

2 Comments 2
Level 7

I want to input account numbers for customers. I have enabled this function in my settings but can not find it anywhere to select.

QuickBooks Team

I want to input account numbers for customers. I have enabled this function in my settings but can not find it anywhere to select.

Hi there Mike,


Organizing your customers by account number is a great way to keep things organized. QuickBooks Online makes it easy to add additional fields to your sales forms so that you can identify those numbers when creating invoices and sales receipts. I'm happy to go over that with you.


It sounds like you might have turned on the feature in the Advanced settings that allows you to enable account numbers in the Chart of Accounts. This doesn't apply to customers however, so what you'll want to do is add a custom field to your sales forms that'll allow you to manually enter the account number. Here's how you can do that:


  1. Navigate to the Gear icon and select Account and Settings.
  2. Select the Sales tab.
  3. Locate the Sales form content section and select it to make changes.
  4. Select the checkbox under Internal for Custom fields.
  5. Enter a name for the field such as "Account Number".
  6. Hit Save and Done when you've finished.


Now when you create a new Invoice or Sales Receipt this field will appear for you to fill in. It'll only appear if you enter data into it, otherwise your customers won't know it's there. Another option you have if you'd prefer to keep the account number to the customer profile, is to add it in the Notes section. Simply navigate to the Customers section of the Sales menu and locate the customer you need to change. Click on their name then select Edit to make changes to their profile. Select the Notes tab and enter the account number and any other relevant details. Remember to Save your changes when complete.


If having a more specific field for would work better for you, I encourage you to reach out to our product development team to share your thoughts. You can do this by navigating to the Gear icon, then select Feedback. Your voice and feedback is important to us and helps shape the improvements and new features that are added to the program. We're working hard to ensure that QuickBooks meets your business' needs.


Don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything else I can do to support you. Have a great evening!

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