Hi steph4,
You definitely know what you're looking for in a report and I can certainly see how this sort of thing would be helpful when looking at your inventory information. There are a number of reports you can pull up to see the information you need, but there's no one report that'll show you what you're looking for. I'll keep it to as few reports as possible.
Here are some of the reports you can look at to see pieces of the information. You may be familiar with them already, but I'll list them anyway just in case.
- Sales by Item Summary or Detail: either of these reports will show you the sales for each item. The Summary report will show how many have been sold, the total dollar sales, the percentage of your total sales, and what items/services have the most income. The Detail report will show you sales broken down by transaction. This can have a class column or be filtered by class.
- Purchase by Item Summary or Detail: the Summary report in this case will show you how many of an item your company has purchased and the total spent. The Detail report breaks down purchase information by transaction. This can have a class column or be filtered by class.
- Inventory Stock Status by Item: this shows you information about stock on hand, when you need to reorder, and more.
To learn more about customizing reports, check out this article: Customize reports in QuickBooks Desktop
Enjoy the rest of your day!