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Level 1

Accounts Receivable Subledger

I've just taken over a set of QB Online books. There are items in the AR subledger dating back to 2006. My BS doesn't match the subledger. More importantly, how can I clean up the subledger without messing up my BS or reconciled items?

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Accounts Receivable Subledger

Hello AliceR,


Thanks for connecting with us here. It's important you know what's causing the difference between your Balance Sheet and the subledger. Rest assured, I'll be happy to guide you in the right direction so you can get the resolution you need. 


To get started, I recommend checking  for uncleared and cleared transactions to see if they're causing a difference on the Balance Sheet. Here's how: 


  1. From the Balance Sheet report, select your bank account by double-clicking on the amount.
  2. In the Transaction Report overview, click the Customize button.
  3. Expand the Filter view.
  4. Check the Cleared box.
  5. Select Cleared or Uncleared in the drop-down menu.
  6. Click Run report.

After finding what's causing the difference, you'll need to double check your General Ledger report and compare it with your register balance. I recommend checking this and letting me know how you make out. I'll be one message away in case you have other questions. 

Level 1

Accounts Receivable Subledger

Thanks James. 

I ran the report, unfortunately it doesn't answer any questions. None of the old items on the subledger are showing up in "uncleared". or "cleared". I'd love to chat more about this. I need to get the subledger cleaned up, before the fiscal year end. 


Thank you

QuickBooks Team

Accounts Receivable Subledger

Hello AliceR. At this point, I recommend getting in touch with our support team so they can share your screen and help assist you further. This ensures you get the support you need in a timely fashion. Feel free to keep me posted on how you make out. I'll be one message away.

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