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Level 2

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added


Level 2

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Ok. Why is it that Scotiabank tells us it is a QBO third party problem.  I am certainly open to any suggestions that you can give on who to contact at Scotiabank to get this issue resolved.


Level 3

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

It is QBO users who have suggested a third party product to help resolve the issue.  The third party takes the paper statement and converts and imports the information into QBO.  

Level 3

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Hi! Just an update for the people on this thread. I am both a QBO and Xero user. While QBO support has not  provided any useful communication or assistance, the support team at Xero has been working with me and Yodlee on the issue. The bank feed issue is not just Scotiabank as I tried to onboard a TD bank client tonight and had the same issue. It appears that the system (whether it be QBO, Xero or the connecting system Yodlee) has not been updated to the banks roll out of 2FA.  No useful solutions here but thought I would share my experience with others that are having the same problem. I do wish that QBO support had the same level of communication as other providers as I think silence (or repeatedly telling people to manually upload statements) just aggravates the situation.

Level 1

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

I'm also annoyed by this. I thought I was alone dealing with it since I called almost a year ago. Would love an update.

Level 1

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Same here, Scotia 2FA has really messed up our flow. It's almost a year since they rolled out 2FA and there's no been updates

Level 1

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Adding my name to this as well. I'm beyond frustrated with the new authentication from Scotiabank. It doesn't work and I have spent hours trying to keep my affairs in order.  How are businesses supposed to operate. The bank needs to sit down with quickbooks (or vice versa) and figure this out.  If it's not fixed soon I'll switch my bank and move back to my old accounting software. 


Level 1

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

This is beyond frustrating... when researching the issue I landed on this page of scotias website... stop advertising it if you can't figure out how to make this function. Someone should contact CBC Marketplace. 


Level 3

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Just an update to my update above. My Scotia clients' bank feeds now works in both QBO and Xero but initiating a refresh to the bank feed does require that the client authorize the 2FA notification on their phone for each update, so I have to arrange with the client to authorize when I do the refresh. Not ideal but at least it pulls in data now.

Level 3

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

I find it so aggravating - mine still won't connect.  I have called QBO for help on this - twice now I have received amessage that they can find no problem so the case is closed.  The problem is NOT resolved, rendering one of the most useful features (for me) of QBO entirely useless.  The part that REALLY feels like a slap in the face is that QBO and Scotiabank are offering QBO for 70% off for a limited time.  

Not applicable

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

And if it's not bad enough that we have to authorize every time, for each synchronization I have to provide authorization 2-3 times!

Level 2

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Terrible, my bookeeper may quit because quickbooks cant fix this issue. Or do I switch banks and cancel quickbooks and try another program. Shouldnt have to.

Bill M1
Level 1

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

I switched banks as I don't have time to deal with Scotiabank 2step BS. It took a bit of time, but now it's smooth sailings, my bookkeeper is happy and I'm even paying less banking fees.  

Eric Hagen
Level 2

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Amen, did the same thing!  Even contemplating shifting QBO now too!

Not applicable

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

I find it really hard to believe that Intuit can't figure out a fix for this and we shouldn't have to switch banks.  I am tempted because I don't feel any allegiance to Scotiabank, but the hassle to switch isn't worth it at this point.  I do my own bookkeeping but if I relied on an external bookkeeper or accountant who regularly needed access to the bank accounts, I would probably be making the switch.

Level 1

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Can anyone shed any light on if this issue has diminished once switching banking providers? I'm a contractor who does NOT have the time to manually enter each and every transaction 100's of times a month nor will I pay the premium of a bookkeeper to enter these for me each month. I've had enough of this garbage software but the thought of moving all of my banking AGAIN really eats me up.

Level 3

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Did you switch to BMO?  That is one that seems to be working except if you are using the Spend Dynamics platform for commercial credit cards.  

Level 3

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

It works if your client is always available - but it's not a solution if you work during the day and your client is milking cows or working on construction or doing any number of other jobs that don't include sitting at a computer all day, or always having the cell phone handy.  

Eric Hagen
Level 2

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

ATB for me works great, ATB platform let's you setup a user in seconds with ease and full control on what they can do and then they can just use their own login and their own 2SV device.

Level 3

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

I am going to expose my ignorance here - what is ATB?

Not applicable

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

I’m assuming Alberta Treasury Branch. Any banks that are not provincially-specific that are completely interoperable with QBO?

Eric Hagen
Level 2

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Yes Alberta Treasury, Sorry forgot they are AB only.  I would say though from my experience any bank that A connects and B has a simple user setup process so you can easily create/control access.  I have heard good things about RBCs small business platform from another small/med business.  Scotia is not small biz friendly in my opinion, these simple features seem to require a large business platform, just for me to send the odd EFT I had to get ScotiaConnect, a whole seperate system (has the multi user controls) that was my short term solution, she had her own login but it also requires a seperate access key app and we linked QB but then if I wanted to sync I had to use her login with her key.  ATB I literally walked in the bank and said I want to send EFTs to pay suppliers and he said ok that's setup now and it's stupid easy 🤷‍. Scotia was weeks to setup and a conveluded system with whole seperate logins!

Level 2

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Hi, did you get this resolved?  I just had a six-month hassle myself.  Maybe I can help....

Level 3

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

No, it is not yet resolved.  Any help would be appreciated.

Level 2

Banking sync not working with Scotiabank after 2 factor authentication added

Just to give details that might be different than your situation:

1.  I am the bookkeeper but I sign into Quickbooks as the owner.  We have only one sign-in we use between us.

2.  "Updating" QB accounts doesn't always work right away, especially if have changed or edited the connection, eg. didn't work yesterday when I changed connection but did today.

3.   I recommend disconnecting and re-connecting fresh each time you delete, add or edit the bank accounts you are downloading, eg. one of our credit cards changed numbers.  I had to delete the entire connection in QB with bank and re-connect (bringing up our four bank accounts including the new credit card account).  This is most important lesson I learned, lol.

4.  The only way you can avoid having to press the "Push" button for you bookkeeper is to add her to your bank account at a level about equal to yourself.  I was not comfortable to do that so we live with the "Push" situation.  Basically, I text him to "Push" when needed which is not always convenient for him.

5.  I asked the bank to add my phone number as an alternate to him but they don't have that function yet except as co-account holder.


I know this doesn't make life perfect but hope your functionality improves.  Let me know if you have any more questions.

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