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Level 2

Budget and Planning in Desktop

I would like to change the currency of the budget info that I have created.  That is, mutliply all the cell by an exchange rate, then save it for comparison to the actual activity.

Can I do this?

4 Comments 4
Rebecca R
QuickBooks Team

Budget and Planning in Desktop

Hello gedgar360 and welcome to the QuickBooks Community!


I can totally see how manipulating the currency of your budget would make it easier to project your business' success. Creating budgets in QuickBooks Desktop is easy, but there are a few limitations when it comes to customizing them. Let me explore this further.


A general budget without a Customer:Job attached to it will be shown in your home currency. You can create a budget for a foreign currency Customer:Job in the customer's specified currency, but there isn't a way to just assign a currency to a budget. You'll need to create a budget for a Customer:Job with the currency you want assigned, or manually do the currency exchange calculation yourself and make the changes to the boxes as you see fit. It will still show in your home currency though, so this may not suit your needs.


To create a Budget with a Customer:Job, please follow these steps:


  1. Navigate to the Company menu.
  2. Hover over Planning & Budgeting and choose Set Up Budgets.
  3. Hit Create New Budget.
  4. Select the year and choose Profit and Loss as the type and hit Next.
  5. Choose Customer:Job as the additional criteria and click Next.
  6. Select between creating a budget from scratch and creating one from a previous year's data.
  7. Hit Finish.
  8. Select the Customer:Job from the dropdown at the top.


I love the idea of being able to assign a currency to a budget, so I want to invite you to submit feedback on this to our product development team while I pass along the message on my end. Do this by navigating to the Help menu, then selecting Submit Feedback Online. This is a great way to have your voice heard and have a say in the new features and improvements that get implemented in future updates.


If you have further questions, don't hesitate to let me know. Have a great weekend!

Level 2

Budget and Planning in Desktop

Hi Rebecca. It was hard to find you but glad now.  It appears I must re-enter the whole budget in the local currency and I get that.  Another question: can I somehow import our Excel budget info into a new Income statement budget?   We can match up account numbers, etc. 

That is, if we create the rows and columns can we import an excel budget into the QB Desktop B&P section?

Level 2

Budget and Planning in Desktop

How do I completely erase a Budget I have created?

QuickBooks Team

Budget and Planning in Desktop

Hi gedgar360, I'm glad you were able to find your way back to this thread. I'll be happy to assist you with your other questions.


At the moment, there isn't any feature available in QuickBooks Desktop to import an excel budget into the B&P section. I can see how this would have benefited your business, and I invite you to submit feedback directly to our engineers using the steps shared above by Rebecca. Your comments are crucial in driving innovation to offer the best QuickBooks experience we can.


As for erasing one of your created budgets, it's a pretty straightforward process. Go to Company > Planning & Budgeting > Set Up Budgets > Locate your budget using both the budget and Customer:Job dropdown > Clear.


I hope this helps! You're always welcome to stop by if you need anything else.

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