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Level 1

Hello, I"m about to close my QB account for good and I need to export the entire database. Can someone help me with this without having to receive a phone call?

3 Comments 3
Level 7

Hello, I"m about to close my QB account for good and I need to export the entire database. Can someone help me with this without having to receive a phone call?

Hi pbarriga,


I'm sad to see you go, but I want to make sure you're able to save all your data. You can easily export your favourite reports, as well as the underlying journal entry of every transaction in just a few easy steps:

  1. Select the Settings ⚙ icon on the toolbar.
  2. Under Tools, select Export Data.
  3. On the Reports tab, set the date range to All dates.
  4. Add or remove items from the Reports and Lists tabs by toggling the slider. I recommend exporting everything, especially Journal and General Ledger.
  5. Select Export to Excel.

For additional information and help exporting even more data, check out this awesome guide: Export reports, lists, and more


Hope this helps!

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Hello, I"m about to close my QB account for good and I need to export the entire database. Can someone help me with this without having to receive a phone call?


Should you need to export all transaction data out, you have to utilize the 3rd party exporter tool.


Level 1

Hello, I"m about to close my QB account for good and I need to export the entire database. Can someone help me with this without having to receive a phone call?


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