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Level 2

Updated from 2023 to 2024 Desktop Pro

Has anyone else discovered that bank feed information in the chart of accounts gets mixed up when converting a company file from Desktop Pro 2023 to 2024?


When I open an account from list -> chart of accounts -> edit account in 2023 the bank account details on the first tab is correct and feed information is correct on the second tab, when I open the same company file in 2024 (which does an automatic rebuild/conversion) the bank feed information gets corrupted in the feed tab for some but not all credit cards and the credit card has xxx instead of the full number. Not sure if that is something I set up that way many years ago but in 2023 is shows the full credit card number. Also the "quickbooks" logo disappears and the bank name also is blank in the bank feed tab information.


I am going back to desktop 2023 in hopes it still works using a backup file.


Am I the only one having this issue with installing 2024 today?


This is for the Canada version of Desktop Pro

1 Comment 1
Level 2

Updated from 2023 to 2024 Desktop Pro

I have found a workaround to this issue.


Open the 2023 company file in Quickbooks Desktop Pro 2023 (trial version if needed) and remove the bank feed settings from each account in the Chart of Accounts:


1) Deactivate All Online Services in the Bank Feed tab

2) Remove bank information in first account tab.


Confirm that the "lightning bolt" for online status no longer appears in the Chart of Accounts beside each account name / number.


Next select File, Create Backup Company file and make note of what you named the file and the file location.


Exit Quickbooks Desktop Pro 2023


Open Quickbooks Desktop Pro 2024 and select open company file from the 2023 backup.

 It will then proceed to update the company file to the 2024 version.


Confirm in Chart of Accounts that the bank feed settings are disabled and remove any account names or numbers which might appear in the first tab under "optional"


Manually add back each account banking links by using the Banking, Bank Feeds, Import Web Connected file and manually select the .qbo file from your bank download which will then bring up the dialog to select an account to link the bank file too.


If your desired account does not appear in the drop down menu then most likely it is still enabled as being set up for importing bank files and wasn't disabled fully in the first step.


This has seemed to resolve my issue for now. Hopefully it will continue to work going forward and help anyone else who has the same experiences upgrading versions..


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