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Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I have done every browser troubleshooting suggestion, and this error continues when I change a date in my report.
23 Comments 23
QuickBooks Team

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Hi there,


Dealing with error messages isn't the outcome I'd like for you to have. It's essential you have a seamless experience while using the program. Rest assured, I'll be glad to guide you towards getting a resolution. 


Based on the error you've described, I suspect you may be experiencing browser-related issues that can cause issues such as the one you've described above. Clearing cache and cookies helps with fixing most browser issues. You can do this by following the steps in this article: Clear Cache and Cookies. To confirm, do you get the same error when you enter a date range that's shorter? I suspect that the date range may be broad to the point that it affects the report from being displayed correctly. 


Feel free to let me know what happens. I'll be here to help.

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I have done this in both Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome; this solution does not fix the problem. My team and are experiencing the issue still. Is there another solution? 

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I'm seeing this issue too. Simply clicking on the Report Period drop down causes this issue to occur. We've tried clearing cache in Chrome, resetting Chrome, and re-installing Chrome but the issue persists. As a workaround, we used Edge, although this morning Edge showed this behavior too, but luckily closing and re-opening caused it to start working again. Ideally, we'd like to use Chrome so any help would be appreciated.

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

In the future, please don't assume the users or browsers are to blame and research the issue before answering.

I spoke with support this morning about this error. I have cleared my browser cache, deleted temporary internet files, switched to different browsers, and even went incognito. None of those worked. I was told it's happening in the US and UK as well. 


For those of you experiencing issues, you can change the dates manually to get the reporting period you want, you just can't customize by customer or class unless you've saved a report with the same perimeters. 


Level 2

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Thanks for this. I'm getting this same error and its nothing to do with my Browser  


Ana E 1
Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I'm dealing with the same issue since yesterday. 


I've cleared the cache, updated Chrome, and disabled extensions. I'm still having the same issue when changing the report date. 


I'm doing a windows update to see if that helps. 


I also tried on an older computer and this error doesn't happen.


any other suggestions? 

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

My team is also experiencing this issue. We've done the same as everyone in this thread - trying different browsers, clearing cache and cookies. It has not crashed yet in Chrome incognito mode.


Is there a dev team working on this from the QBO end? It's not a coincidence that a Google search only brings up this thread. Cleary this is an issue on the QBO end that came up in the last couple of days.


 @JamesM4 please provide more information. 

QuickBooks Team

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

At this point, I recommend getting in touch with our phone support team so they can share your screen and help get to the bottom of this ASAP . You can reach out by dialing 1-855-253-1536 from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 AM and 8 PM EST. Feel free to keep me posted on how you make out.

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Also having this error as described. 

Have cleared cache and cookies and problem persists. Problem only seems to be Chrome specific with Version 124.0.6367.78 (64-bit). 

I have now fixed the problem and the site functions normally again. However, I did these things and I am not sure which one fixed it.

Step 1: Installed Firefox and transferred all the auth/cookie data during install.
QuickBooks Run Report works on Firefox without any stack overflow error. Error still persisted on Chrome. Tested in incognito Chrome and issue still resulted in stack overflow error/crash.

Step 2: Cleaned Auth Tokens with site data

F12 > Chrome Developer Tools > Application tab > Storage in left tree > Select the data items to clear, then click Clear site data.

Then right click on refresh and did "Empty Cache and Hard reload" for double measure.

typed in chrome://restart

QuickBooks now works with no stack overflow crash error.

No idea which of the above steps fixed it for me. Hope this helps!

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I've been having this same problem for the last 24 hours in QBO, US. 

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

It's happening to me too.  I've tried incognito, Chrome, and Edge, but they all do the same error when I try to change the dates on my reports.

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Same issue.  I have cleared cache and cookies.  It is not user specific.  There is a bigger problem

QuickBooks Team

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Hello TAlan,


Thanks for joining us here.    The Development Team for QuickBooks Online U.S., are currently investigating the issue, and it seems to be associated with Google Chrome.  They do suggest a couple of work-arounds in the interim.  To complete your QuickBooks goals, you can use QuickBooks Online in a FireFox browser.  You can also follow these steps;


  • Go to chrome://accessibility in your chrome/edge/brave browser.
  • Uncheck "Web accessibility", reload this tab to see if its still unchecked.
  • Go back to QBO and refresh the tab.

If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out.  We would be glad to help!

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I get the same error when trying to change report dates. It started this week. Lask week was fine and I was able to run reports in five or six separate tabs in Edge without issue. 

QuickBooks Team

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Hi Rick416,


The error received when working with reports in QuickBooks Online has affected several of our customers.  At this time, I recommend contacting our Customer Care team team at 1-855-253-1536 from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 AM and 8 PM EST.  They'll be able to review the issue in more depth and escalate it for further investigation with our Development team.  In addition, they'll set you up for an email notification when the issue has been resolved.


In the interim, I suggest using the calendar to select the report period, as I've used this as a work-around in my own books and the error message did not appear.


Please don't hesitate to touch base with us again, if any other issues should arise.  We're here to help!

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I had a client with the same issue.  After trying everything to solve the issue... As a last effort we uninstalled and re-installed chrome and now it is working.

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I've had the same error this past week (super frustrating). I tried all the suggestions, nothing worked, until I came accross your suggestion. I uninstalled / reinstalled Chrome. So far, when I select the date dropdown on the P&L, BS and GL, it's not crashing like it was before. Thank you for the suggestion and fix! 

Level 2

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I have had the same error as well for the past few days. Cleared history and cache and tried different browsers. The only way I can do anything is to export, but then I cannot navigate the report and click into transactions easily. This is wide spread I hope QBO is working on it. 

Level 2

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

I uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome at another suggestion on this thread and that worked for me. 

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Thanks to @Trish_T, using the date boxes instead of the dropdown worked.  After clearing the cache, deleting all QuickBooks credentials in the credential manager, and ensuring my browser (Microsoft Edge) was up to date, I am no longer getting the stack overflow issue. 

Alex M
QuickBooks Team

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Hi there Rick416,


I'm happy to hear that that was able to get you back to managing your books and that you were able to share the solution with the Community. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out here.

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?

Hello everyone,


I wanted to comment on the forum, I was curious if anyone else has been in contact with the Quickbooks support team.


Like others in this chain, I have re-installed Chrome, reset the browser, cleared the cache/cookies; etc with no success. I have the users in the org using Firefox in the interim of a fix.

I have also tried the solution presented by: sophie_tallyhobooks


Unsure if anyone has found any further things to try : )

Level 1

Why do I get Error code: STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW when changing report dates?


June 19, 2024 Use the Thorium browser! On Brave and Chrome I can't login into Hotmail. I get the "Awe Snap" Error code STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW page. I tried everything to clear it...nothing works. My Firefox works fine in Hotmail but it's too slow and bloated for me. I'm using Windows 7 32 bit. I did some browser shopping and BINGO!. I found the Thorium browser. It's new. Based on Chrome, looks and works just like Chrome. It was made for those of us who want to keep using Win 7 and use the Chrome browser. I can access all my Hotmail now and love it!! Read about it and download at

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