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Level 1

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

8 Comments 8
QuickBooks Team

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

Hi there, 


A customized invoice, even semi-stylized ones, is an opportunity to enhance the perception of your business. The Custom Form Styles module in QuickBooks Online lets you edit the layout, design, and data fields that appear on your invoices. I'll explain how to adjust the column width, as well as it's limitations.


When customizing your invoice, click the Content tab, then click EDIT LABELS AND WIDTHS. The adjustments available there show the minimum and maximum width available on your invoice. I can appreciate that you'd like to make the Amount column smaller, and I'd encourage you to submit feedback about this by clicking the Gear icon > Feedback


I'd be happy to submit your thoughts on my end as well. Our goal is to make sure you have tons of control over your bookkeeping. 


If you have any other questions, please reach out to our tech support team

Have a nice day. 

Level 1

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

Hello Addie, thank you! I did try clicking "share feedback" within the editing window but it freezes the application and I have to close the tab without logging out. I have tried that in more than one browser with the same result. I appreciate the quick response!

QuickBooks Team

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

My pleasure!


If you're noticing that the browser is having issues with freezing or latency, try clearing the cache and cookies by following these steps: How do I clear my browser cache and temporary Internet files? These are the stored Internet files that build up over time in each of your browsers, and it can cause bugs in QBO and other sites. 

If you're still having issues, please contact our support team



Level 2

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

This has always been an issue with QBO.  The dragging tool to adjust the column with has never worked.

QuickBooks Team

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

Hi rmhtax,


It's important to me that you can take advantage of the dragging tool to customize your columns' width. Each of those tools that show up after selecting EDIT LABELS AND WIDTHS are interconnected. To adjust the column you'd like, start by reducing the width showing the highest number on its right. You'll then be able to gradually tailor successive columns and reach the one you wish to update. As discussed earlier on this thread, there's a fixed range within which you can adjust each column. Feel free to submit feedback directly to our engineers if you'd like to see any additional options in that regard. We're always adding new features to the program, and your opinion helps a lot with that.


I also encourage you to clear your browser's cache using the steps shared above by Addie if you're unable to use the dragging tool properly. It's a handy troubleshooting step to ensure that the program is working as designed and no bugs from your app or browser are potentially causing issues when completing your task.


I hope this helps! Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything else.

Level 1

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

I've been trying to edit the width of the Description column on our invoices, but even though I've reduced the other columns to the smallest width, it won't let me widen the Description column as much as I need to. Our invoices look a mess because this column is too narrow, and it could easily be wider, but I can't reduce the other columns enough. Help!

QuickBooks Team

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

Hello PBHP,


I know that having neat and organized forms can not only help with making sure details are communicated clearly to your customers but also with your overall business brand image. Standing out in a positive way is important, and I want to make sure you have the options for doing that with QuickBooks Online.


I'm glad to see that you've already been testing the available options under Custom form styles. As you've probably noticed, while each column has its own toggle to expand the width, it's also linked to the other columns on the form. This means that it only has the option to expand so far and it impacts the other columns. The fewer columns on the form, the more wiggle room you have.


When the built-in options aren't quite meeting your needs, I recommend considering creating your own style in a Word document to import it into the program. This is a great option as it gives you more freedom with how your invoices look, and we have a handy guide to walk you through how to create a style that you can import to use in QuickBooks Online. Check out this article to learn more: Import custom form styles for invoices or estimates


Another option would be to consider a third-party invoice management service that can connect with QuickBooks so that you can still bring the invoice data into the program while making sure the forms look the way you'd like them. The Apps tab lets you search and find information about what services connect with QuickBooks Online.


Finally, feel free to submit feedback about the available options by following the steps here: How do I submit feedback? Our product development team loves hearing from users the different ways that we can enhance the software, and they consider the feedback received when they update the program.


I hope this has been helpful. Wishing you the best!

Level 1

I cannot edit the width of the "amount" column smaller than 15 (Qty and Rate can go as low as size 8). Can I make it smaller without creating a new invoice template?

I really hope they look at the feedback because i have the same issue. I am really HATING the switch from desktop to online.

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