See the data you want, how you want it, with customizable, built-in reports—or create your own.
To learn more about how we can help your business, call 1-833-234-3205 or contact sales.

Get reports tailored for your business

Customize reports to capture the data that matters
Modify any of 200+ built-in reports by applying filters, adding or removing data points, or adding custom fields to focus on critical metrics for your business. And save customized reports as templates so you can run them anytime.

Reports built for your business
Use industry-specific* reports for manufacturing and wholesale/distribution, contractors, nonprofits, professional services, and retail. Examples include:
- Sales Graph
- Sales by Class, Customer, Item, or Rep
- Profit & Loss by Job
- Unbilled Costs by Job
- Cost to Complete by Job
- Open Purchase Order by Vendor
- Inventory Valuation Summary
- Inventory Stock by Item
- Assembly Shortage
- Assembly Bill of Materials
Run your business from anywhere. Get Desktop Enterprise with cloud access.* Call 1-833-234-3205

Simplify your multi-company reporting
Desktop Enterprise helps make multi-company reporting easier by letting you combine reports across multiple business entities. You can also create intercompany transactions reports, with the ability to filter by date range, for better insight into completed historical transactions.

Budgeting and forecasting tools help you plan for the future
QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise has budgeting and forecasting tools to help you create and revise budget, plan, and forecast scenarios. You can create next year’s budget from scratch, or use last year’s Profit and Loss data to start one. Forecasts in Desktop Enterprise help you predict future revenue and cash flow. Create a financial forecast from last year’s data, or from scratch.
Powerful, customizable reports come standard
Desktop Enterprise includes more than 200 built-in reports, including 70 industry-specific reports, all customizable to suit your business needs. Take a look below to see what comes with Desktop Enterprise right out of the box:
Profit & Loss Standard
How much money did my company make or lose over a specific period of time?
Profit & Loss Detail
What are the year-to-date transactions (and totals) for each income and expense account, so I can determine what contributed to my company’s net profit?
Profit & Loss Year to Date Comparison
How do my income and expenses for a recent period of time compare to the entire fiscal year to date?
Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison
Is my company making more money now than for the same period a year ago?
Profit & Loss by Job
How much money is my company making or losing on each job?
Profit & Loss by Class
How much money did my company make or lose on each business segment that is tracked through QuickBooks classes?
Profit & Loss Unclassified
How much money did my company make or lose that is not tracked through QuickBooks classes?
Balance Sheet Standard
What is the value of my company (its assets, liabilities, and equity), showing me the individual balances for each account?
Balance Sheet Detail
What is the value of my company (its assets, liabilities, and equity), showing me the transactions and the starting and ending balances for each account?
Balance Sheet Summary
What is the value of my company (its assets, liabilities, and equity), showing me the total balance for each type of account?
Previous Year Comparison
How has the value of my company (its assets, liabilities, and equity), changed compared to the same date one year ago?
Balance Sheet by Class
What is the value of my company/organization (its assets, liabilities, and equity), broken down by class?
Net Worth Graph
How have my company’s assets, liabilities, and equity (i.e., its net worth) changed over a specific period of time?
Income by Customer Summary
What is the gross profit (sales minus cost of goods sold) received from each customer?
Income by Customer Detail
What is the gross profit (sales minus cost of goods sold), broken down by transaction, received from each customer?
Expenses by Vendor Summary
What are my company’s total expenses for each vendor?
Expenses by Vendor Detail
What are my company’s total expenses, per transaction, for each vendor?
Income & Expense Graph
How does my company’s income compare to expenses? What are the largest sources of income and expenses?
Statement of Cash Flows
What was the cash inflow (from profit and additional cash received) and cash outflow (cash spent) during a specific period of time?
Cash Flow Forecast
What income and expenses can I anticipate over the next few weeks from receivables, payables, and banking?
A/R Aging Summary
How much does each customer owe? How much of each customer’s balance is overdue?
A/R Aging Detail
Which invoices or statement charges are due and overdue? Send out batch reminders to customers behind in their payments. And with recent performance updates made by QuickBooks, you can run your A/R Aging Detail report more quickly.
Account Receivable Graph
For the total amount owed by my customers, what proportion of that amount is overdue? ( i.e., show me a graph of the information in the A/R aging summary report.)
Open Invoices
Which invoices or statement charges haven’t been paid and when are they due?
Collections Report
Which customers are overdue, how much do they owe, and what are their phone numbers?
Average Days to Pay
On average, how many days does it take a customer to pay you?
Customer Balance Summary
How much does each customer owe?
Customer Balance Detail
What payments and invoices make up each customer’s current balance?
Unbilled Cost by Job
What job-related expenses haven’t been charged to customers?
Transaction List by Customer
What transactions has my company had with each customer?
Price Rules by Customer
What price rules apply to each customer?
Customer Phone List
What is the phone number for each customer?
Customer Contact List
What is the contact information and current balance of each customer?
Item Price List
What is the price of each item or service my company sells?
Vendor Phone List
What is the phone number for each vendor?
Vendor Contact List
What is the contact information and current balance for each vendor?
Employee Contact List
What is the contact information and social security number for each employee?
Other Names Phone List
What are the phone numbers of the people on my Other Names list? What transaction names (such as ATM) are on the list?
Other Names Contact List
What is the contact information for each name?
Sales by Customer Summary
What are the total sales for each customer and job?
Sales by Customer Detail
What are the sales to each customer and job, broken down by transaction?
Sales by Ship to Address
What are the sales by ship to address, broken down by transaction?
Pending Sales
Which sales are marked as pending?
Sales Graph
Which month has the highest sales revenue? Which items, customers, or sales reps bring in the most income?
Sales by Item Summary
For each item or service: how many have been sold, what is the total dollar sales, and what is its percentage of my total sales? Which items and/or services bring in the most/least income?
Sales by Item Detail
What are the sales of each item, broken down by transaction?
Sales by Rep Summary
What is the total sales for each sales representative?
Sales by Rep Detail
Which sales did each sales representative make?
Open Sales Orders by Customer
What are the open sales orders for each customer or job?
Open Sales Orders by Item
What are the open sales orders for each item?
Job Profitability Summary
What total amount has my company made or lost on each job?
Job Profitability Detail
For a particular job, what activities have generated the most (and least) profit? You’ll be prompted to select the job for which you want to run this report.
Profit & Loss by Job
How much money is my company making or losing on each job?
Item Profitability
What total amount has my company made or lost on each inventory item, part, service, or expense for which we bill customers?
Unbilled Costs by Job
What job-related expenses haven’t been charged to customers?
Committed Costs Report
What are my committed expenses for this job, including purchase orders and unpaid employee hours?
Work in Progress Report (WIP)
For my current jobs, how am I doing on revenue compared to forecast?
Job Estimates vs. Actuals Summary
How well does my company estimate the costs and revenue for each job?
Job Estimates vs. Actuals Detail
How well does my company estimate the costs and revenue for each aspect of a particular job?
Job Progress Invoices vs. Estimates
For each progress invoice, how much of the estimated amount has been billed?
Item Estimates vs. Actuals
How well did my company estimate the costs and revenue for each item, part, service, or expense for which we bill customers?
Estimates by Job
What estimates have been assigned to each customer or job?
Open Purchase Orders by Job
What purchase orders are currently open (i.e., have items still on order) for each job?
Time by Job Summary
How much time did my company spend on each job?
Time by Job Detail
How much time did my company spend on each aspect of each job?
Time by Name
How much time has each employee (or subcontractor) spent on each job?
Time by Item
How much time has my company spent on each service we provide?
Mileage by Vehicle Summary
For each vehicle, what is the total mileage and the mileage expense? What is the total miles for all vehicles?
Mileage by Vehicle Detail
What is the trip information for each vehicle, including mileage,trip date, mileage rate, and mileage expense? What is the total mileage and mileage expense for all vehicles?
Mileage by Job
Summary For each job, what is the total mileage and the billable amount?
Mileage by Job Detail
What is the trip information for each job, including the vehicle used, mileage, trip date, mileage rate, and mileage expense? What is the total mileage and mileage expense for all jobs?
A/P Aging Summary
How much does my company owe each vendor? How much of the balance for each vendor is overdue?
A/P Aging Detail
Which bills are due and overdue?
Accounts Payable Graph
For the total amount owed to vendors, what proportion of that amount is overdue? (i.e., show me a graph of the information in the A/P aging summary report.)
Vendor Balance Summary
What is my company’s current balance with each vendor?
Vendor Balance Detail
What transactions make up my company’s current balance with each vendor?
Unpaid Bills Detail
How much does my company owe each vendor, and are any payments overdue?
Transaction List by Vendor
What transactions has my company had with each vendor?
1099 Summary
What amounts need to be reported for each vendor that receives a 1099-MISC form? Important: Check this report before you print the forms.
1099 Detail
Which vendor transactions are subject to reporting on the 1099-MISC form?
Sales Tax Liability
For my company’s total sales, how much is taxable, at what rate, and how much sales tax is currently due to be paid?
Sales Tax Revenue Summary
For my company’s total sales, how much is taxable? For the non-taxable sales, how much is for non-taxable labor?
What are my company’s total purchases from each vendor?
What are my company’s total purchases, broken down by transaction, from each vendor?
Accounts Payable Graph
For the total amount owed to vendors, what proportion of that amount is overdue? (i.e., show me a graph of the information in the A/P aging summary report.)
For each item or service, how many has my company bought, and what is the total amount spent?
What are my company’s total purchases for each item and service, broken down by transaction?
Open Purchase Orders
For all open purchase orders, what are the vendor name, PO number, amount, order date, and the expected delivery date?
Open Purchase Orders Detail
What purchase orders are currently open (i.e., have items open on order) for each job?
Open Purchase Orders by Job
What purchase orders are currently open (i.e., have items still on order) for each job?
Inventory Valuation Summary
What is the current asset and retail value of each inventory item?
Inventory Valuation Detail
Which transactions have affected the value of my inventory?
Inventory Stock Status by Item
What is the detailed information about each inventory item? Includes stock on hand, to show if it’s time to reorder.
Inventory Stock Status by Vendor
What is the detailed information about each inventory item, organized by vendor? Includes stock on hand, to show if it’s time to reorder.
Inventory Turnover Report
What products are selling and when?
Physical Inventory Worksheet
A worksheet that you can use to check your physical inventory against your QuickBooks records.
Pending Builds*
Which builds are marked as pending, and what is the detailed information for each of them?
Quantity on Hand by Site*
What is the quantity on hand for each inventory item at each site?
Inventory Valuation – Summary by Site*
Report that summarizes the value of your inventory at each site and groups your inventory items by site.
Inventory Stock Status by Site*
For each site, what is the reorder point, quantity on hand, quantity on order, quantity on PO, and average sales per week? What items do I need to order for each site?
Pending Build by Site*
Which build transactions are pending and in which site(s)?
Inventory Sales by Site*
What are the quantity and sales amounts for each inventory part at each site?
Transaction List by Serial/Lot Number
Which transactions were associated with which serial numbers or lot numbers? Find all transactions, including assemblies, subassemblies, purchases, adjustments, transfers and sales of a lot – for recall purposes.
Serial/Lot Numbers in Stock
Which serial or lot numbers do I have in stock for each item?
Quantity on Hand by Serial/Lot Number
How many items of a particular serial or lot number do I have on hand?
Items by Bin Location*
Lists items and quantities in each bin, ordered by bins within each site.
* These reports are included with QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Advanced Inventory. Additional fees apply for the Advanced Inventory add-on subscription.
Payroll Summary
What are the accumulated totals for the payroll items (taxes withheld, etc.) on each employee’s recent paychecks?
Payroll Item Detail
What is the line-by-line breakdown of each recent payroll transaction by item?
Payroll Detail Review
What values are used to calculate individual payroll items on employee paychecks?
Payroll Transactions by Payee
Who received paychecks and what was the net pay? What payroll liability checks were written for payroll taxes and expenses
Payroll Transaction Detail
What is the line-by-line breakdown of each recent payroll transaction by employee?
Payroll Liability Balances
What payroll-related taxes and fees does my company currently owe to the government and other agencies?
Payroll Item Listing
What is the latest information (amount, rate, annual limit, agency, etc.) for the line items in my company’s payroll transactions
Employee Earnings Summary
What are the total earnings and deductions for each employee?
Employee State Taxes Detail
What wage and withholding information do I need for my state payroll taxes?
Employee Contact List
What is the contact information and social security number for each employee?
Employee Withholding
What is the federal and state withholding information for each employee?
Paid Time Off List
What are the sick and vacation time balances for each employee?
Emergency Contact List
What is the emergency contact information for each employee?
New Hire List
Who are the new employees that were hired by the company this month?
Terminated Employees List
Who are the employees that were terminated by the company this month?
Workers Comp Summary
How much workers compensation insurance does my company owe?
Workers Comp by Code & Employee
How much workers compensation insurance does my company owe for each employee?
Workers Comp by Job Summary
How much workers compensation insurance does my company owe for each job?
Workers Comp Detail
What is the breakdown of my company’s workers compensation premiums, by transaction?
Workers Comp Listing
What are my company’s workers compensation job classification codes and their rates?
Deposit Detail
Lists all deposited and undeposited payments, including the customer who made the payment and how much of each payment was included in the deposit.
Check Detail
What checks have been written, including the details of each one?
Missing Checks
For a specified account, lists all checks that have been written so you can check for missing and duplicate check numbers. You can also use this report to check for duplicate or missing invoices in accounts receivable or payments in a current asset account.
Reconciliation Discrepancy
For a specified account, what reconciled transactions have been modified since this account was last reconciled? (You’ll be prompted for some account information before you can display this report.)
Previous Reconciliation
What transactions were cleared or outstanding from a previous reconciliation? (You’ll be prompted for some account information before you can display this report.)
Adjusted Trial Balance
For accountants only. What are the effects of my adjustments on the trial balance?
Check Detail
Adjusting Journal Entries
Trial Balance
What is the ending balance for all accounts?
General Ledger
What is the recent activity in all my company’s accounts, with beginning and ending balances for each account?
Transaction Detail by Account
What are the recent transactions for each account in my Chart of Accounts?
What are the most recent transactions, in chronological order?
Audit Trail
What changes affected my company’s books during a specified accounting period? Who made the changes?
Closing Date Exception Report
What changes were made after the last closing date was set to transactions dated on or before that closing date?
Voided / Deleted Transactions
Which transactions have been voided or deleted?
Voided / Deleted Transactions History
What is the detailed history of voided and deleted transactions?
Transaction List by Date
What transactions were entered for a specified period of time?
Account Listing
What are the names of each of my company’s accounts? What is the current balance of each balance sheet account?
Fixed Asset Listing
For my company’s fixed assets, what are the purchase date, description, and original cost of each asset?
Item Price List
What is the price of each item or service my company sells?
Item Listing
What is the latest information (price, cost, quantity on hand, etc.) for each product or service that my company sells?
Unit of Measure Set
Listing For each unit of measure set, what are the current base, purchase, sales, and shipping units?
U/M Sets with Related Units
What related units are in each unit of measure set? How many base units does each related unit contain?
Items with Units of Measure
Which items are currently assigned units of measure?
Payroll Item Listing
What is the latest information (amount, rate, annual limit, agency, etc.) for the line items in my company’s payroll transactions?
Workers Comp Listing
What are my company’s workers compensation job classification codes and their rates?
Fixed Asset Listing
For my company’s fixed assets, what are the purchase date, description, and original cost of each asset?
Terms Listing
What are the due dates and discounts available for customer payments and payments to vendors?
To Do Notes
What tasks on my To Do list haven’t been done yet?
Memorized Transaction Listing
What is the latest information for all memorized transactions?
Income Tax Preparation
What tax line is assigned to each account in my chart of accounts?
Income Tax Summary
Based on tax line assignments, what amounts does my company need to report on its income tax forms?
Income Tax Detail
What transactions make up each amount on my company’s income tax forms?
Budget Overview
What are my company’s projected income and expenses for each month?
Budget vs. Actual
For the company as a whole, how do the actual income and expenses compare to what has been budgeted?
Profit & Loss Budget Performance
How do the actual income and expenses compare to what has been budgeted for the current month and year?
Budget vs. Actual Graph
Are my company’s income and expenses over or under budget?
Forecast Overview
What are my company’s forecasted income and expenses for each month?
Forecast vs. Actual
For the company as a whole, how do the actual income and expenses or account balances compare to what has been forecasted?
19 additional custom-built reports for contractors
Job Status
What is the status of all active jobs?
Job Costs by Vendor & Job Summary
What are my company’s job-related expenses for each vendor, subtotaled by job?
Job Costs by Vendor & Job Detail
What are my company’s job-related expenses for each vendor, subtotaled by job? What are the transactions for those expenses?
Job Costs by Job & Vendor Summary
What are my company’s job-related expenses for each job, subtotaled by vendor?
Job Costs by Job & Vendor Detail
What are my company’s job-related expenses for each job, subtotaled by vendor? What are the transactions for those expenses?
Job Costs Detail
What are the expenses my company has incurred for each job?
Cost to Complete by Job Summary
What is the expected cost to complete all of my jobs? How much is each job over or under estimate?
Cost to Complete by Job Detail
What is the expected cost to complete a particular job, and what should it cost to complete each item of that job? How much is each item over or under estimate?
Unpaid Bills by Job
For each job, which bills haven’t been paid?
Unpaid Job Bills by Vendor
For each vendor, which bills haven’t been paid?
Expenses Not Assigned to Jobs
What are the expenses that haven’t been assigned to a customer or job?
By Person
How much time has each employee or subcontractor worked? What is the billable status of that time?
By Person & Job
How much time has each employee or subcontractor spent on each job? What is the billable status of that time?
By Person & Activity
How much time has each employee or subcontractor spent on each job and item? What is the billable status of that time?
Open Purchase Orders by Vendor
What are the open purchase orders, by vendor?
Open Purchase Orders by Vendor Detail
What are the open purchase orders, by vendor, including detailed information about each transaction?
Certified Payroll – Box 1 Employee Information
What is each employee’s social security number and address for filling out Box 1 of a Certified Payroll Report?
Vendor Account Information
What is the detailed information about each vendor, including balance and contact information?
Customer Account Information
What is the detailed information about each customer, including billing and contact information?
11 additional custom-built reports for manufacturers and wholesalers
Sales by Rep Detail
Which sales did each sales representative make?
Sales by Product
What are my company’s best-selling products? Which products have brought in the most revenue?
Sales by Customer Type
Which group of customers provides my company with the most sales revenue?
Sales Volume by Customer
Which customers bring in the most revenue?
Sales By Class & Item Type
How much does my company make on each item type, listed by class?
Profitability by Product
Which products are most profitable?
Open Sales Orders by Customer
What are the open sales orders for each customer or job?
Open Sales Orders by Item
What are the open sales orders for each item?
Inventory Reorder Report by Vendor
What items, from each vendor, do I need to reorder?
Assembly Bill of Materials Report
What components parts are included in my Bill of Materials? What is the cost of these components?
Open Purchase Orders by Item
What are the open purchase orders for each item?
Return Materials – Authorization (RMA) Form
Use this form to capture data on which items are being returned, who is returning them, and why they are being returned.
Damaged Goods Log
Use this form to document inventory items that are being scrapped so that you can adjust your inventory accordingly.
Non-conforming Materials Worksheet
Use this form to document which items are being returned to your vendors, and why.
Physical Inventory Worksheet
When it’s time to do a physical inventory, use this printout to record the actual quantity on the shelves and compare it to the quantity in QuickBooks
9 additional custom-built reports for Nonprofits
Biggest Donors / Grants
Who are my biggest donors and what were their total contributions?
Budget vs. Actual by Donors / Grants
How much money was contributed by each donor, and how much of that money has been spent versus what was budgeted?
Donors / Grants Report
How much money was contributed by each donor or grant and how much of that money has been spent?
Donor Contribution Summary
How much money was contributed by each donor or grant?
Budget vs. Actual by Program / Projects
How much money was contributed to and spent on each program versus what was budgeted?
Programs / Projects Report
How much money was contributed to and spent on each program?
Statement of Financial Income & Expense
What money came in (income) and how it was spent (expense)?
Statement of Financial Position
What is the financial position of my organization at any point in time?
Statement of Functional Expenses (990)
What are my expenses and how can I show that information to my board, major donors, and other important funders?
17 additional custom-built reports for Consultants, Engineers, Architects, Attorneys, Designers, Ad Agencies, and more.
Project Costs Detail
What expenses has my company incurred for each project?
Unbilled Expenses by Project
What expenses incurred for each project haven’t been billed?
Expenses Not Assigned to Projects
What expenses haven’t been assigned to a customer or project?
Billed vs. Proposal by Project
How well did estimated income match actual income for each project?
Open Balances by Customer / Project
Which invoices or statement charges haven’t been paid, and when are they due?
A/R Aging Detail by Class
For each class (for example, for each partner), which invoices or statement charges are due and overdue?
Project Status
What is the status of all active projects?
Project Contact List
What is the contact information and balance for each customer or project?
Billed / Unbilled Hours by Person
How much time has each employee or subcontractor worked? What is the billable status of that time?
Billed / Unbilled Hours by Person & Project
How much time has each employee or subcontractor spent on each project? What is the billable status of that time?
Billed / Unbilled Hours by Person & Activity
How much time has each employee or subcontractor spent on each job and item? What is the billable status of that time?
Job Costs by Vendor & Job Summary
What are my company’s job-related expenses for each vendor, subtotaled by job?
Job Costs by Vendor & Job Detail
What are my company’s job-related expenses for each vendor, subtotaled by job? What are the transactions for those expenses?
Job Costs by Job & Vendor Summary
What are my company’s job-related expenses for each job, subtotaled by vendor?
Job Costs by Job & Vendor Detail
What are my company’s job-related expenses for each job, subtotaled by vendor? What are the transactions for those expenses?
Cost to Complete by Job Summary
What is the expected cost to complete all of my jobs? How much is each job over or under estimate?
Cost to Complete by Job Detail
What is the expected cost to complete a particular job, and what should it cost to complete each item of that job? How much is each item over or under estimate?
14 additional reports designed specifically to help retailers manage sales, inventory and customer information.
Profit & Loss Monthly Comparison
How does my company’s profit and loss for this month compare to last month?
Balance Sheet Monthly Comparison
How does my company’s balance sheet compare to last month? Is my company’s financial condition improving?
Sales Graph
Which month has the highest sales revenue? Which items, customers, or sales reps bring in the most income?
Monthly Sales by Customer
If my company tracks sales by customer, who were the best customers and what was their sales activity over the last fiscal year?
Gross Margin by Inventory Item
If my company records each sales transaction, what is its gross margin for each inventory item?
Customer Payments by Payment Item
What methods are my customers using to provide payment? What are the monthly payments trends from the past year?
Estimates by Customer
What outstanding estimates does my company have for each customer?
Bills by Due Date
What bills are due and when? Which bills are due first?
Sales Tax Liability
For my company’s total sales, how much is taxable, at what rate, and how much sales tax is currently due to be paid?
Purchase Volume by Vendor
From which vendors does my company purchase the most goods?
Vendor Returns Summary
Which vendors generate the largest volume of returned goods?
Vendor Returns Detail
What goods are most commonly returned to each vendor?
Open Purchase Orders by Vendor
What are the open purchase orders, by vendor?
Accounts Payable Graph
For the total amount owed to vendors, what proportion of that amount is overdue?
If the data is in QuickBooks, you can report on it with Advanced Reporting*
Below are examples of reports you can build by accessing the raw data in QuickBooks. Customize starter templates like these, or build your own report to focus on the data that matters to you.

If the data is in QuickBooks, you can report on it
There’s no limit to the fully customizable reports you can build from scratch, from any data set. You can even combine financial reports from multiple entities or businesses* so you can see the full picture. And find comprehensive help online at the Advanced Reporting Training Center to master the build-your-own reporting tool.

Sales by City, Job Type, and Customer Dashboard
See an interactive dashboard that allows you to explore how different cities, job types, and customers are performing together.
Industries: Contractor, Professional Services.
Run your business from anywhere. Get Desktop Enterprise with cloud access.* Call 1-833-234-3205

Sales by Item Forecasting
See an alternative to the template found in the Reports list. See what you sold in the last 30 and 31-60, your month over month growth, and your forecasted quantity for the next 30 days.
Industries: Manufacturing and Wholesale, Retail

Sales by Item Year Over Year
See an interactive dashboard that shows your sales profitability by customer. You can modify this template to show profitability by sales rep, geography, customer fields, and more.
Industries: Contractor, Manufacturing and Wholesale, Retail, Professional Services.
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Your selected subscription plan for QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond (“QuickBooks Desktop Product(s)”) will automatically be charged on a monthly (“Monthly Plan”) or annual (“Annual Plan”) basis until you cancel. You can cancel at any time by going to Account & Settings in QuickBooks and selecting “Cancel” or by calling 800-300-8179, prior to your renewal date.
The Annual Plan commits you to a 12-month term; fees vary per QuickBooks Desktop Product. If you cancel inside the 60 day money back guarantee period, you can opt to receive a refund. If you cancel outside of the 60 day money back guarantee period, you will not receive a prorated refund and you will have access to your QuickBooks Desktop Product for the remainder of the 12 month term for which you've paid.
With the Monthly Plan, your QuickBooks Desktop Product cancellation will become effective at the end of the then-current monthly billing period. You will have access to your QuickBooks Product for the remainder of the month and you will not receive a prorated refund.
See End User License Agreement for additional details.
Additional information about the latest version of your QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise product: The “Discontinuation Policy (Software End-Of-Life) for Intuit Software is subject to Intuit’s discontinuation policies then in effect and Intuit reserves the right to discontinue the Software, all support for the Software, and/or all access to and use of any Services, add-on paid services, features, online tools, Third-Party Applications or other services or content accessible through the Software in accordance with Intuit's then-current discontinuation policies or in connection with required Updates or Upgrades of the Software as part of a Subscription plan. For more details, see section 13 of the End User License Agreement.
Free trial download: The first 30 days of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise free trial from the date of sign up is free. No credit card is required. After the 30 days, you can call to purchase.
QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Diamond subscription: QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Diamond includes QuickBooks Assisted Payroll and QuickBooks Time Elite time tracking. Assisted Payroll is $1 per employee per pay period; maximum of 4 pay periods each month. Assisted Payroll is not available in IN and WY. QuickBooks Time Elite is $5 per month per employee. (See QuickBooks Desktop Payroll and QuickBooks Time Elite disclosures below.) QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Diamond is sold in increments of 1-10, 20, 30, and 40 users. Desktop Enterprise Diamond is compatible with, but does not include hosting. (Hosting sold separately.) Desktop Enterprise Diamond is a subscription and is only available on a monthly payment plan with no annual commitment. Each month, your account will be automatically charged the agreed-upon price unless and until you cancel. Cancel at any time by calling Intuit at 800-300-8179, prior to your monthly renewal date. When you cancel, you will have access to Desktop Enterprise Diamond for the remainder of the month for which you have already paid. The following month, you will no longer have access to the product or any of its connected services. We will authorize your card to ensure prompt order processing, resulting in a temporary hold on your account. See Subscription Terms & Conditions.
Automatic QuickBooks product updates: Active QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise subscription members receive new versions of our products, along with updates to your current version, when and if released within 12 months of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise purchase date or subscription renewal date.
Online backup and data protection: Data backup, restore and setup requires internet access and is included in active Pro Plus, Premier Plus or Desktop Enterprise subscriptions. Not available to QuickBooks for Mac or QuickBooks Online users. Entire PC is limited to 100GB total storage which includes all 45 days of backup you have stored. Not intended as a file transfer, remote access solution for your QuickBooks file. Intuit Data Protect is not intended as a HIPAA solution and its use will not assist with or ensure HIPAA compliance. Hours exclude occasional downtime due to system and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. Holidays and events beyond our control. Subject to change at any time without notice.
Data Recovery Service: Coverage begins at the time of enrollment and ends upon cancellation of stated term length + 30 days from cancellation date to be able to recover your backup data. In some cases, including but not limited to the damage being extensive, non-recoverable or involving a large Data File, service can result in longer than average turnaround times. Data Services will contact you with expected completion date. For customers using a hosting service, check with the hosting provider for backup and sync options they offer.
For QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise: QuickBooks-integrated online data backup and restore service requires Internet access and an active QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise subscription. For QuickBooks Online: data access is subject to Internet or cellular provider network availability and occasional downtime due to events beyond our control. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the same encryption technology used by some of the world’s top banking institutions to secure data that is sent over the Internet.
Customer support: Available from 6am-6pm Mon-Fri; 6am-3pm Sat (PST) for Pro, Premier, Standard, Plus and Desktop Enterprise. Desktop Enterprise messaging access available 24/7. Hours exclude occasional downtime due to system and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. Holidays and events beyond our control. Access to messaging with live experts or call back features requires a QuickBooks Care Plan, and internet connection. Care plan is included with Standard, Plus and Desktop Enterprise subscriptions. A la carte Annual Care Plan MSRP $299.95.
Training: Online access to training is included with each QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise subscription.
The Cloud access service is a monthly subscription. Each month, your account will be automatically charged the agreed-upon price of the service unless and until you cancel. Cancel at any time by calling Intuit at 800-300-8179, prior to your monthly renewal date. When a customer calls to cancel, it is canceled and refunded at the date through the end of the current billing period. The QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise software portion of the QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise with cloud access bundle is an annual subscription.
If you choose to purchase a QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise subscription using the Monthly Payment Plan or QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise with cloud access, you elect to pay your annual subscription in equal payments over the course of 12 months. Purchasing an annual subscription for QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise commits you to a 12 month term. You must pay for all 12 months of the subscription in full based on the then current rate of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise. If you choose to cancel inside the first 60 days, you can opt to receive a refund per the 60 day money back guarantee (see for details). However, if you choose to cancel after the first 60 days and prior to the end of month 12 you will be subject to a termination fee equal to the amount of monthly payments left on your annual subscription. For clarity, if you pay for 6 months and have 6 months remaining on your annual subscription, which starts at date of enrollment, you will be charged a termination fee equal to the then current monthly fee of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise multiplied by 6 months (remaining months left on annual subscription).
Rightworks: Support for QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise with cloud access is provided by Rightworks. A valid QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise license code must be provided to Rightworks to receive support. Rightworks performs backups of all cloud access data on a nightly basis and retains the back-ups for a rolling 90-day period in a protected offsite facility as an additional level of protection. There is no limitation to the size of a customer’s back-up. Customers are responsible for verifying the integrity of the hosted data at least every 90 days. Rightworks employs Snapshot technology to backup customer data. Snapshots are taken daily and then replicated to another physical Rightworks facility for Disaster Recovery. Rightworks uses top-tier data centers and multiple layers of redundancy within its infrastructure to provide 24×7 availability. However, availability can vary, is subject to occasional downtime and may change without notice. Rightworks encrypts all backup files and backup tapes. Virtual desktop connections are protected via TLS with a minimum of 128 bit encryption and authentication. Each customer has a unique Rightworks virtual desktop. Access to each QuickBooks company file is controlled at multiple layers including file access permissions. Access is locked out after multiple failed login attempts for the same user. Security features, functionality and access are subject to change without notice as deemed necessary by Rightworks. Availability can vary and are subject to occasional downtime and may change without notice. Rightworks may offer third party software, separate terms and fees may apply.
Internet connectivity required: Desktop Enterprise with cloud access is subject to availability of a reliable Internet connection. See detailed list of systems requirements, and a list of what RDP clients work with the hosting service here.
Remote Desktop Services compliant: QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise is Remote Desktop Services compliant. Microsoft Server operating systems, Microsoft Windows Server software licenses, and Remote Desktop Services Server Client Access Licenses, are sold separately. For multiple cloud access users, a Remote Desktop Services Client Access License is required for each user. Additional fees may apply. Requires certain hardware.
Advanced Reporting is included in all QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise subscriptions. Requires an internet connection.
Advanced Pricing / Control, customize, and automate pricing is included in the Platinum and Diamond subscriptions only. Requires an internet connection.
Advanced Inventory is included in the Platinum and Diamond subscriptions only. Requires an internet connection.
Mobile barcode scanning and barcode label prices: Only available in the Advanced Inventory module.
Alternate vendors center and alternate vendor reports: is included in the Platinum and Diamond subscriptions only. Requires an internet connection.
Barcode scanners: Sold separately for use with Advanced Inventory.
Cycle count: Only available in Advanced Inventory module.
Bin location tracking: Only available in Advanced Inventory module.
Enhanced Pick, Pack, and Ship: Only available in the Advanced Inventory module. Shipping subject to terms and conditions set forth by UPS, FedEx, and USPS.
Express Pick-Pack: is included in the Platinum and Diamond subscriptions only. Requires an internet connection.
Landed Cost: is included in the Platinum and Diamond subscriptions only. Requires an internet connection.
Apps integration: QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise integrates with more than 200 apps to customize your experience. Additional fees may apply. Some apps may be available from third parties.
Bill and PO approval workflows: Available with QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Platinum and Diamond subscriptions.
Consolidating reports from multiple company files: Company files must all be on the same version of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise. Requires Microsoft Office 2010 SP2 – 2019, or Office 365 (32 or 64 bit). Requires Office 2013 – 2019, or Microsoft 365 (32 and 64 bit).
Customer prepayments: Feature not available with multi-currency.
Customized financial reports with Intuit Statement Writer: Requires Office 2013 – 2019, or Microsoft 365 (32 and 64 bit). Does not work with Microsoft Office Student Edition or Standard Edition.
Data file optimization reduces your file size by removing audit trail of historic transactions and a few tables from the database that are not used or needed by the company file.
Data level permissions: Only available in QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Platinum and Diamond subscriptions. Requires an internet connection. Record level permissions only available in Customer, Employee, and Vendor Centers.
Data recovery: In some cases, including but not limited to the damage being extensive, non-recoverable or involving a large Data File, service can result in longer than average turnaround times. Data Services will contact you with expected completion date.
E-commerce integration: Requires an active and current version subscription of QuickBooks Pro Plus, Premier Plus or Desktop Enterprise and a separate Webgility e-commerce account subscription. E-commerce integration subscription will be billed directly from Webgility. Your Webgility account will automatically be charged the package price on a monthly or annual basis, starting at sign up, until you cancel. To cancel your e-commerce subscription at any time, log into your Webgility account customer portal or contact Webgility customer success team at or by call 877.753.5373 ext. 2. Your cancellation will become effective at the end of the monthly billing period and your subscription will terminate at that time. You will not receive a prorated refund; your access and subscription benefits will continue for the remainder of the billing period. Cancellation or termination of QuickBooks will not automatically cancel your Webgility subscription.
Enhanced security: QuickBooks Pro, Premier and Desktop Enterprise now utilize 256-bit encryption. It applies to local data files, data hosted remotely in the cloud, or data backed up online via the cloud.
Intuit Field Service Management: Integrates with U.S. QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online. QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise subscribers receive their first Intuit Field Service Manager user at no cost. Fees apply for additional users. Optional Preventative Maintenance or Time Card Add-Ons must have the same number of paid users as Intuit Field Service Management. If you end your Desktop Enterprise Full Service Plan and want to maintain your Intuit Field Service Management, please call us to ensure no service interruption. Integration with Google Maps requires a high speed internet connection for the service manager/dispatcher role. Data network connection required for the field tech online functionality.
Inventory Reports Enhancements: Report “Inventory Stock Status by Lot Numbers” only available with QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Platinum, Diamond and Accountant subscriptions.
e-Invoicing: Online invoicing versus traditional or manual payment alternative. Requires Internet access.
IIF Imports: The new IIF import applies and data validation logic applied is when accepting new data via UI, closing the backdoor entry for bad data.
Importing bank and credit card transactions / bank feeds: Customers using supported QuickBooks Desktop products may download data from participating banks. Online services vary by participating financial institutions or other parties and may be subject to application approval, additional terms, conditions and fees.
Industry editions: Industry-specific editions for Manufacturing & Wholesale, Nonprofit, Contractor, and Retail have all the key features of the standard edition of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise plus additional reports and tools tailored to the industry type. Unit of Measure feature not included in the Retail edition. Billing Rate Levels only available in Premier Professional Services, Contractor, and Accountant Editions; not available in Pro, Premier, Nonprofit, Manufacturing & Wholesale, and Retail editions.
Intercompany transactions: Only available in QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Platinum and Diamond subscriptions.
List capacity: QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise and QuickBooks Desktop - Accountant Edition allows you to add up to 1 million names (e.g., customers, vendors, employees) and up to 1 million items (e.g., inventory, non-inventory, and service items). Some performance degradation is likely as your lists approach these size thresholds.
Mileage tracking: Track mileage mobile functionality is only available on iOS enabled mobile phones for QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise, Pro Plus and Premier Plus customers on a current, valid subscription and supported version.
Multi-currency capability: Service provided by Wall Street on Demand. Additional fees may apply. Internet access required.
Multiple monitor use: Up to 3 monitors supported. Not available in a hosted environment. University of Utah study from 2008 indicated that productivity can increase by up to 44% for routine office tasks by upgrading from 18″ single monitor to 20″ dual monitor configuration.
Pay vendor bills via QuickBooks: Additional fees apply when paying with a credit card, or when using optional Fast ACH and Fast Check expedite services.
Receipt management: Requires a Pro Plus, Premier Plus or Desktop Enterprise subscription. Must have the QuickBooks Desktop App installed on a camera enabled mobile device using Android 5.0 (API level 21, Lollipop or onwards), or iOS 13 or later. Requires internet connection. Works only with expense receipts, not inventory item receipts.
Sales order fulfillment: Only available in QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Platinum and Diamond subscriptions. Requires an internet connection.
Seamless product updates: Only available in versions 24.0 or higher.
User licenses: Each unique user requires a license. Each license sold separately. All copies of QuickBooks must be the same version-year. Licenses are available in single-user increments from 1 to 10 users. 20 or 30 user licenses are also available. Diamond can support up to 40 users. Fees apply.
Working in two company files at once: Some functionality may be limited when running two files at once.
Priority Circle: Access to Priority Circle and its benefits are available only to customers located in the 50 United States, including DC, who have an active, paid subscription to QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise or QuickBooks Online Advanced. Eligibility criteria may apply to certain products. When customers no longer have an active, paid subscription, they will not be eligible to receive benefits. Phone and messaging premium support is available 24/7. Support hours exclude occasional downtime due to system and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. holidays and events beyond our control. Intuit reserves the right to change these hours without notice. Terms, conditions, pricing, service, support options, and support team members are subject to change without notice.
Premium 24/7 Support: Phone and messaging support for Premium level is available 24/7. Support hours exclude occasional downtime due to system and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. holidays and events beyond our control. Intuit reserves the right to change these hours without notice.
QuickBooks Desktop Enhanced Payroll subscription is included in QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Gold and Platinum. Standard Enhanced Payroll subscription fees apply when adding to QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Silver. Enhanced Payroll included in Desktop Enterprise Gold or Platinum does not charge additional monthly per employee fees, additional fees may apply when paying 1099 contractors by direct deposit. Enhanced Payroll does not limit the number of payrolls scheduled per month. Terms, conditions, features, service and support options are subject to change without notice. Active subscription, Internet access, Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and U.S. billing address required. Check stock sold separately. Plus sales tax where applicable.
401(k) plan: 401(k) offerings are provided and administered by Guideline, an independent third party and not provided by Intuit. Intuit is not a 401(k) plan administrator, fiduciary, or other provider. Requires acceptance of Guideline’s Client Relationship Summary and Privacy Policy. Additional 401(k) plan fees will apply. Employees may manage their contributions directly with Guideline. Admin and payroll access required to sign up for a 401(k) plan with Guideline. Guideline live US-based support is available Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 4:00 PM PT.
Direct deposit: Direct deposit service is included for W-2 employees with your Payroll subscription. Additional fees apply for 1099 contractors paid by direct deposit.
Employee profiles: Feature requires an active Payroll subscription.
Money movement services: Money movement services are provided by Intuit Payments Inc., licensed as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. For more information about Intuit Payments' money transmission licenses, please visit
Painless tax filing and payments: You can set the filing method of your Federal and State forms to E-file. Instead of printing and mailing the forms, send them electronically to the appropriate agencies in QuickBooks Desktop. Also, you can set the payment method for your scheduled Federal and State tax payments to E-Pay, and conveniently pay the appropriate tax agencies in QuickBooks Desktop. This is available in QuickBooks Payroll Enhanced and to selected states only.
Live support included: See hours of support and how to contact support.
QuickBooks Desktop Assisted Payroll is not available in Indiana or Wyoming. It is included in the base subscription for QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Diamond; $1 per employee per pay period. If you file taxes in more than one state, each additional state is currently $12/month. Active subscription, Internet access and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) required. QuickBooks Desktop Payroll requires a supported version of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Diamond updated to the most current maintenance release. QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise supports over 100,000 employees, customers, vendors and other names combined. However, performance may slow when processing files containing more than 250 employees.
Next-day direct deposit: Available to QuickBooks Desktop Assisted Payroll users. Payroll processed before 5:00 PM PT shall arrive the same business day (excluding weekends and holidays). Requires setup of direct deposit and bank verification. Next-day direct deposit may be subject to eligibility criteria. Deposit delays may vary because of third party delays, risk reviews, or issues beyond Intuit’s control. Direct deposit service is included for W-2 employees with your Payroll subscription. Additional fees apply for 1099 contractors paid by direct deposit.
Money movement services: Money movement services are provided by Intuit Payments Inc., licensed as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. For more information about Intuit Payments' money transmission licenses, please visit
"Guaranteed on-time and accurate" tax penalty guarantee: Intuit assumes responsibility for federal and state payroll filings and payments directly from your account(s) based on the data you supply. As long as the information you provide us is correct and on time, and you have sufficient funds in your account, we’ll file your tax forms and payments accurately and on time or we’ll pay the resulting payroll tax penalties. Guarantee terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.
Premium 24/7 Support: Phone and messaging support for Premium level is available 24/7. Support hours exclude occasional downtime due to system and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. holidays and events beyond our control. Intuit reserves the right to change these hours without notice.
U.S.-based setup assistance: Phone support for Assisted Payroll onboarding & setup assistance is available Monday – Friday 6am to 6pm PST. Support hours exclude occasional downtime due to system and server maintenance, company events, observed U.S. holidays and events beyond our control. Intuit reserves the right to change these hours without notice.
QuickBooks Time Elite time tracking: time tracking is included in the base subscription for QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Diamond. Per-employee monthly fees apply. Each employee is $5 per month. Requires an internet connection.
Sync with QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise: Manual sync required.
GPS tracking: GPS tracking enabled when employees are clocked in via the QuickBooks Time Elite mobile app. GPS points can be pulled at clock in and clock out, opening the app, switching job codes, and while on the clock. GPS points are not stored when employees are on a break, clocked out, or signed out of the app.
Mobile time tracking: Requires downloading the QuickBooks Time Elite application, acceptance of the QuickBooks Time Elite Terms of Service and Privacy Statement, and an Internet connection. The QuickBooks Time Elite mobile app works with iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets. Devices sold separately; data plan required. Not all features are available on the mobile apps and mobile browser. QuickBooks Time Elite mobile access is included with QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise Diamond at no additional cost. Data access is subject to cellular/Internet provider network availability and occasional downtime due to system and server maintenance and events beyond your control. Product registration required.
Salesforce CRM connector works with Salesforce Professional, QuickBooks Enterprise Diamond and Unlimited versions only; Salesforce is sold separately. The Salesforce CRM connector is a service provided by DBSync and is available as a 3rd party app integration.
The following applies to importing data from Excel, Quicken, Microsoft Office Accounting, and prior QuickBooks versions:
For QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise (and QuickBooks Pro/Premier): Transfer data from Quicken 2016-2022, QuickBooks Mac/Mac Plus 2021-2024 (US only) and Microsoft Excel 2016 - 2021, Microsoft 365 (64-bit).
For QuickBooks Online: Microsoft Word and Excel integration requires Word and Excel 2010 SP2 and above or Office 365. Data can be imported from all versions of QuickBooks Desktop. Import from QuickBooks Desktop must be completed within the first 60 days of setting up your new QuickBooks Online account and 1060 days for the QuickBooks Online Accountant’s ‘Your books’ file. QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop are TLS1.2 compliant.
Microsoft products sold separately. Word and Excel integration requires Office 2010 SP2 and above, or Office 365. Synchronization with Outlook is also possible with Contact Sync for Outlook 2010 (32-bit) downloadable for free here.
Sage 50 (formerly Peachtree) data conversion: The data conversion tool works for Peachtree versions 2013 and above.
More than 235,000 companies rely on QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise: Based on 235,161 active QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise subscriptions as of 7/31/24.
QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise is considered the accounting leader in the mid-market category, and the easiest to use: Per G2Crowd Summer 2024 Grid® Report for Accounting.
Save an average of 18% on QuickBooks Desktop Payments fees as an Enterprise customer: Average savings based on QuickBooks Enterprise users who process credit card via QuickBooks Payments between May 2023 and April 2024, using QuickBooks Enterprise preferred rates compared to Standard Pay As You Go rates.
8 out of 10 QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise customers surveyed who switched from Pro or Premier agree that Desktop Enterprise helps make their business more profitable: Based on Intuit survey conducted Nov 2023 - Feb 2024, amongst remunerated QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise users who expressed an opinion.
92% of QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise customers surveyed estimate savings of at least 12 worker hours per month since switching to Desktop Enterprise: Based on Intuit survey conducted Nov 2023 - Feb 2024, amongst remunerated QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise users who expressed an opinion.
8 out of 10 QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise customers surveyed who switched from another solution agree that Desktop Enterprise helps their company get paid faster: Based on Intuit survey conducted Nov 2023 - Feb 2024, amongst remunerated QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise users who expressed an opinion.
Get paid faster: 79% of Enterprise customers surveyed who switched from another solution to QuickBooks Enterprise agree that QuickBooks Enterprise helps their company get paid faster; based on Intuit survey conducted Nov 2023 - Feb 2024, amongst remunerated QuickBooks Enterprise users who expressed an opinion.
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