Fix errors when exporting accountant's changes in QuickBooks Desktop
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
Find out how to resolve errors when you send accountant’s changes to your client in QuickBooks Desktop.
Different errors sometimes come up when you export your accountant's changes. Here's a list of the errors you may encounter.
- QuickBooks is unable to display accountant’s changes
- Can’t print or save accountant changes as PDF
- View or import changes for client
“QuickBooks is unable to display the accountant’s changes...”
This error appears when you try to view or export the accountant’s changes. To fix this:
Step 1: Update QuickBooks to the latest release
Step 2: Make sure the accountant changes are saved locally
If the accountant’s changes are on the computer where you use QuickBooks, proceed to step 3. If not, copy or move the file to a local folder first.
Step 3: Remove special characters from your chart of accounts
- Go to Lists, then select Chart of Accounts.
- Check if any of your accounts have special characters (!@#$%^&*) in their name.
- Right-click on the account, then select Edit account.
- Remove the special character(s), then select Save & Close.
- Retry to export the accountant’s changes.
If you still can’t view or export the accountant’s changes, go to step 4.
Step 4: Create a new Accountant’s Copy
- Open the accountant’s copy and save a new working file.
Note: Make sure to save the new file in a different folder. - Re-do the changes to your client’s books.
- Retry to view or export the accountant’s changes.
If you still see the error, continue with step 5.
Step 5: Send the changes as journal entries
If you still can’t view or export the accountant’s changes, you can use journal entries to make adjustments to your client’s books. Once you’re done, you can send the journal entries so they can import them into their file.
Can’t print or save the accountant’s changes as a PDF file
You might have a damaged Qbprint.qbp file or PDF converter.
Step 1: Update QuickBooks to the latest release
Step 2: Rename the Qbprint.qbp file
Once you’re done, retry to print or save the accountant’s changes.
If it’s still not working, proceed to step 3.
Step 3: Fix the PDF converter
After you repair the converter, retry to print or save the accountant’s changes.
If it’s still not working, proceed to step 3.
Step 4: Rename the MSHTML file
- From the Windows desktop, right-click on the QuickBooks icon.
- Select Open file location.
- Right-click on MSHTML.DLL or MICROSOFT.MSHTML.DLL file, then select Rename.
- Add “OLD” at the beginning of the file name.
Example: OLDMSHTML.DLL or OLDMICROSOFT.MSHTML.DLL. - Retry to print or save the accountant’s changes as a PDF file.
If you still can’t export the file, proceed to step 5.
Step 5: Completely uninstall QuickBooks
“View/Export changes for client” is greyed out
The accountant’s copy might be damaged.
Step 1: Update QuickBooks to the latest release
Step 2: Make sure you save accountant changes locally
If the accountant’s changes are on the computer where you use QuickBooks, proceed to step 3. If not, copy or move the file to a local folder first.
Solution 3: Check for data damage
Follow these basic data damage troubleshooting steps to fix your file. Then, retry to print or save the accountant’s changes as a PDF file.
Solution 4: Recreate the accountant’s copy
Ask your client to remove the accountant’s copy restriction on their company file, then recreate the accountant’s copy, and send it to you.
Once you receive the accountant’s copy, re-enter the changes and send it back to your client.
“View/Export changes for client” window shows changes from a previous accountant’s changes
This happens when the accountant’s copy is damaged. Follow these basic data damage troubleshooting steps to fix your file.
“View/Export changes for client” window is blank
This might be caused by damaged XML code.
Solution 1: Refresh corrected transactions
- Go to Reports, then select Custom Reports, then Transaction Detail.
- Select Filters, then enter “Entered/Modified” in the Search Filters field.
- Set the following fields:
- From: date when you converted the accountant’s copy to a working file.
- To: current date
- Enter “Detail Level” in the Search Filter field, then select Summary only.
- In Current Filter Choices, select the Date filter.
- Below the filter table, select Remove Selected Filter, then OK. The report shows all the entered and edited transactions since the accountant’s copy was converted to a working file.
- Double-click the first transaction, then enter or make minor changes to the note in the Memo field.
- Select Save & Close. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for all transactions.
- Retry to print or save the accountant’s changes as a PDF file.
If the window is still blank, proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Repair QuickBooks
Close all your running applications, including QuickBooks. Then, repair it. Once you’re done, retry to print or save the accountant’s changes.
Continue with step 3 if it still doesn’t work.
Step 3: Recreate the accountant’s copy
Ask your client to remove the accountant’s copy restriction on their company file, then recreate the accountant’s copy, and send it to you.
Once you receive the accountant’s copy, re-enter the changes and send it back to your client.
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