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Level 5

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

Once the sign-in to the books is completed, Outlook is fine.  But if I have the login box up and I haven't entered the password yet, I am unable to send an unrelated, unconnected email using Outlook 365.  Outlook crashes.  It seems that this was a known issue in a previous version in the US, but I am denied access when I try to follow this link: 

14 Comments 14
QuickBooks Team

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

Good evening, northerngirl.


Thanks for turning to the Community for support! I'd be happy to help get you back on track.


Based on the information you've provided, You'd need to verify that you've connected your email to QuickBooks Desktop. I also I recommend making sure you're using the latest release for QuickBooks Desktop. In addition to this, I feel you'd benefit from reviewing the QuickBooks Tool Hub. The QuickBooks Tool Hub is designed to help fix issues and errors in QuickBooks Desktop.


If you're still unable send emails, I encourage you to reach out to us by following the methods listed here so we can work directly with you. I hope this helps!


Feel free to reach back out with any other questions you may have. 

Level 5

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

The problem has nothing to do with emailing items from within QBDT.  As indicated, I am not even signed in to QBDT when the problem occurs in Outlook.  I am trying to compose a message WITHIN OUTLOOK and the action is completely unrelated to a QBDT company.  There is some kind of a background process that QBDT is doing at the login / password stage that is conflicting with Outlook.


No, I haven't connected Outlook to QBDT because I do not email from within QBDT. 

QuickBooks Team

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

Hello northerngirl. Thanks for elaborating. Just to confirm, have you been able to get in touch with our phone support team so they can help investigate this issue further? 

Level 5

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

No, I have not tried to speak to anyone on the phone.  IME, they will run me through unrelated hoops and I'm pretty sure this is a programming conflict that general support wouldn't be able to correct.  I was hoping that I wasn't the only one that experienced this and it was a known issue.  I did find a thread in the US community that appears to be related, but I am not able to view it.  The link is: 

QuickBooks Team

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

I see. It's important to note that reaching out our Desktop support team would be the next best step to take towards getting the resolution you need. I'm here to help steer you in the right direction. Feel free to ask other questions. 

Level 5

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

I appreciate that, but I don't have time to deal with the support team at the moment.  I'll keep an eye on it and maybe I'll figure it out on my own.  If not, I'll reach out to them in a few months, when I hope to have more time.


Thank you for your responses.

QuickBooks Team

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

I hear you on this. Other community members will be able to see this post and chime in. I'll be on standby in case you have other questions. 

Level 1

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

Having the same issue here. Outlook keeps closing when I am trying to type a message while I have QB Desktop open at the same time.  If I close QB's, my Outlook works perfectly.

Level 5

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

Update:  now it doesn't matter what stage I am at with Qkbks desktop.  If it is open in any fashion, I risk Outlook crashing.  It doesn't matter if I am fully signed in or in the process of signing in.  

Level 5

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

I see that at least one other person is reporting the same issue on this thread.  It is an ongoing problem.  Has there been any activity on this at the Intuit support line?  with a resolution?  I honestly don't have 2 hours of time available to talk to a generic support person.  For most of them, this would be beyond their scope of expertise.  If you can provide a direct line to someone who actually could help, I'd be willing to call. 

Level 1

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

This is happening to me as well. I have the 24.0 desktop version. It's very frustrating and my IT support team is unable to find why it keeps happening. We've tried disabling add-in's and uninstall/reinstall MS apps. If I use QB desktop on another server, the issue doesn't happen. It's not just Outlook. Excel will crash when I try to edit or save it. I can view only. With Outlook it's so weird on what causes the crash when logged into QB. 1) Can open and close an email with no issues. 2) Can move 1 email at a time to a folder with no issues.  But, if I try to reply to an email, forward an email, start a new message, and move more than 1 email at a time to a folder when QB desktop and Outlook are open = CRASH. MS points the finger at QB. QB points the finger at MS or other issues. No one wants to take accountability or help resolve the issue. Perhaps we decide to not use QB desktop and go to another provider - - maybe we all leave QB they will listen to their customers?? Sad to think that is what it would take for providers to take action and help their customers. Customer Service is not what it use to be. 

Level 5

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

I disabled and unistalled my Zoom plugin in MS Office.  I kept Zoom, but just not the plugin. I haven't had problems since then actually.


Level 3

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

I am having this same issue. I decided to try uninstalling Zoom as someone else suggested. I really don't need it anyways. They suggested only uninstalling the plug in, but I uninstalled the whole app. So far, it seems to be working. It wasn't just Outlook that was crashing while QBD was open, it was any Microsoft Office program. 

Level 3

Outlook crashes when signing in to dataset

Sorry, I don't have 2 hours to waste talking to the help desk. I was simply providing information to others that are having this same issue.

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