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Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi, My client added their bank feed but the uploaded transactions include dates prior to the current year. (these were accounted for in another software)

I want to delete these transactions but I do not see how. I use the bank rec screen and click on the transaction but I cannot see a delete option, I only see 'Split' or 'Add'. When I click on the 'plus' button on the upper right hand of the screen I also do not see a delete option.

Where should I be looking instead?

Best answer March 11, 2019

Best Answers
Level 6

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi, you can exclude and delete the downloaded transactions. 

  1. From banking screen select the relevant bank, then select for review tab
  2. Tick the transactions you want to exclude, then select Batch actions and then Exclude selected 
  3. Select the Excluded tab   
  4. Tick the transactions you want to Delete 
  5. Select Batch action 
  6. Select delete 
  7. A message will pop up asking Are you sure? These transactions will not be recoverable 
  8. Select Yes.

Comment back if you need more details.

View solution in original post

26 Comments 26
Level 6

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi, you can exclude and delete the downloaded transactions. 

  1. From banking screen select the relevant bank, then select for review tab
  2. Tick the transactions you want to exclude, then select Batch actions and then Exclude selected 
  3. Select the Excluded tab   
  4. Tick the transactions you want to Delete 
  5. Select Batch action 
  6. Select delete 
  7. A message will pop up asking Are you sure? These transactions will not be recoverable 
  8. Select Yes.

Comment back if you need more details.

Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

I am having the same problem. There is no option for delete. 

I am using Quickbooks self-employed. When I go to view my bank, I can edit the bank name, but there is nothing that says I can see those transactions and delete them. What should I do? 


QuickBooks Team

How to delete a bank transaction



Having the ability to delete transactions in your QuickBooks Self-Employed account is essential. I want to make sure to point you in the right direction for advice. 


The best place to seek assistance with QuickBooks Self-Employed is by filling out this email form: You can also contact an agent using the in-app chat support. 

The QuickBooks Self-Employed team will be able to help get you back on track. 


Have a great day!

Level 6

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi,  storywildstudios 


Move to the Transaction screen > checkmark the transaction > then from the top bar select Exclude ( same option is available by clicking the small triangle icon then checkmark Exclude this transaction (this is for duplicates, reimbursements, customer refunds, and returned purchases) )


OR to Delete the entire transactions delete the Bank/Credit card and add again to download last 90days transactions ( most banks allow only last 90 days transactions so check, PayPal allows to download transactions older than 90 days ) transactions older than the 90 days need to be uploaded manually.

Note: You can filter the transactions to display such Unreviewed, Transfer, Excluded etc.


Comment back for further clarifications.

Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

What if the transaction is in the bank reconciliation list but not in the Review Tab, which is the problem I have.  It is also in a prior year.  It is still floating around as an uncleared transaction but it doesn't need to be there at all.  How does one remove these?


How to delete a bank transaction

Thanks for joining this conversation, @darronk.


If the transactions are not showing on the For Review tab, but are on the bank reconciliation list, you can delete them through the register.


Here's how:


1. Go to the Gear icon at the upper right.
2. Pick Chart of Accounts under Your Company column.
3. Locate the bank account, then click View Register under Action column.

4. Select the transaction, then Delete.
5. Hit Yes to confirm.



I'm also adding these articles for future reference:



That should do the trick. Please let me know if you need anything else in the comment section. I'll be here to answer them. Cheers!

john jamieson
Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

Does this work for self employed quickbooks

QuickBooks Team

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi John. Here are the steps on how to exclude or delete transactions using QuickBooks Self-Employed: 


 If you access QBSE through a web browser

  1.     Open the transaction from the Transaction page.
  2.     Check Exclude.
  3.     Select Save.      

 If you access QBSE through the mobile app

  1.     Tap the transaction.
  2.     Toggle Exclude.

For more info on how to exclude and delete transactions, check out this helpful article: Exclude or delete transactions. Don't hesitate to reach out in case you have questions. I'm here to help. :) 

Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

So, basically you CAN'T DELETE transactions on QuickBooks Self-Employed? Is this what I'm understanding? 


I keep seeing a lot of sheisty responses from the QuickBooks teams that don't seem to address the question. 


If you can't DELETE transactions in QBSE, then just say so. But don't waste my time sending me to other pages that don't address my issue. No one on this page is asking about Excluding transactions. They all want to DELETE them, GONE, off their books. 


So, could someone please tell me, once and for all, how to DELETE a transaction from QBSE (because the option "DELETE" doesn't even appear on my screen.) And if you can't DELETE, just be honest and say so, and indicate that with QBSE you cannot delete.


I'll stand by for your response!

QuickBooks Team

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi there. I know how important it is to be able to delete transactions in QuickBooks Self-Employed. In the article linked above by JamesM, the steps are listed that explain the process of deleting a transaction in QuickBooks Self-Employed.


Here they are again in case you missed it: 


If you access QBSE through a web browser

  1. Open the transaction from the Transaction page.
  2. Select the transaction.
  3. Select Delete, then choose Yes to confirm.

If you access QBSE through the mobile app

  1. Tap the transaction.
  2. Tap Delete Transaction.
  3. Select Yes to confirm.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to the QuickBooks Self-Employed team directly. This team specializes in the Self-Employed product, and they'll be able to get you back on track.


Have a nice day. 

Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

these instructions are not complete and not necessarily correct. This might be more accurate. 


The answer from the "QB Assistant" is attached


To delete a manually created transaction:

1. Select the transaction you want and use the arrow to expand it.
2. Select Delete.
3. Select Yes to confirm.


If the transaction came from your bank connection, then you can exclude it. Here’s how:

1. Select and expand the transaction.
2. Select the Exclude this transaction checkbox.
3. Select Save.


Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

So there really is no way to actually delete a transaction is there? Only to be able to exclude it. That seems like a very important feature. Why is it missing?!


If there is, please provide screenshots that show how!! 

Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

What you all (Quickbooks Support) seem to be missing is that on self-employed there is no "Delete" option when you follow these steps.  You are only presented with "Exclude".  That's it- No Delete option.  

It appears that Quickbooks doesn't realize this option isn't available on one of it's products so it keeps repeating the same irrelevant guidance.

Not applicable

How to delete a bank transaction

I do not mean to be rude, but I have to add how frustrating it is to receive a response from the QuickBooks team which is obviously wrong. The steps listed in the response are incorrect. When selecting the transaction from the transaction page, there is no "Delete". The response does not mention if this is a link, or a button, or otherwise. There is nothing in the transaction that shows "delete".


@AddieC wrote:

Hi there. I know how important it is to be able to delete transactions in QuickBooks Self-Employed. In the article linked above by JamesM, the steps are listed that explain the process of deleting a transaction in QuickBooks Self-Employed.


Here they are again in case you missed it: 


If you access QBSE through a web browser

  1. Open the transaction from the Transaction page.
  2. Select the transaction.
  3. Select Delete, then choose Yes to confirm.

If you access QBSE through the mobile app

  1. Tap the transaction.
  2. Tap Delete Transaction.
  3. Select Yes to confirm.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to the QuickBooks Self-Employed team directly. This team specializes in the Self-Employed product, and they'll be able to get you back on track.


Have a nice day. 


QuickBooks Team

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi Pixonti. I know it's important to be given the most accurate instructions to achieve your goal. The steps shared with you were referenced from this official support article for QuickBooks Self-Employed: Exclude or delete transactions.


I want to make sure you get the help you need so you can delete your transactions. I'd suggest reaching out to the designated Self-Employed team so that our experts can get you back on track. 


Have a great day.

Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

Thank you for the information - what seems to be missing is that when QBO pulls in transactions and duplicates them, once in the register - it's mind-blowingly slow and completely counter-intuitive to have to make 4 steps to delete one transaction - especially when you have dozens to delete. You should be able to check all for deletion in the reconcile window and simply delete - that would be intuitive. I have burned so many hours not being able to delete multiple transactions.

QuickBooks Team

How to delete a bank transaction

Thanks for joining the thread, safproductions. I see what you mean about the 4-step process resulting in some lost time. Your time is valuable, and QBO is here to make your life easier, not harder. 

In regards to deleting transactions from the reconcile page, if you're referring to the bank feed, you can "exclude" transactions in batch when they're uploaded from your bank's website. It's unclear if this is where you're looking to remove the transactions from, but that's an option you can explore further here: Exclude expenses from downloaded bank transactions.


I think having the option to delete transactions in batches from the register would be helpful as well. I'd recommend submitting your feedback about this to our team for review by clicking the Gear icon > Feedback


Have a great day.

Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

We do not have an exclude or delete option on QB Premier Canadian version.  Is there another way?

Level 3

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi @mattlowe ,


I think it's important to note there is a difference between bank feeds and actual transactions in QBO.  The bank feed is like a waiting area for you to tell it whether you want to add the transaction to your books, match it to an existing transaction in QBO or exclude it from counting toward your QBO information.  If it's in your bank feed, you can't delete it because it doesn't exist in QBO. 


In the alternative, if you add it, you can then delete it after and it will then show up in your "reviewed" tab again at which point you can exclude it.


I hope this clarifies the difference between excluding and deleting.



Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction

None of the responses are correct! Since you have chosen to download your Bank's RAW data using the menu item:  ... Banking / Bank Feeds / Import Web Connect ... (Quickbooks 2019 Desktop in Canada), that data is locked into the Quickbooks temporary data feed file processing engine.

They CANNOT easily be removed once committed but not reconciled, because they exist in a CHAIN of downloads for the periodicity and the arithmetic of your books. These are formal Bank records, and in some sense are legal documents and are NOT Quickbooks reconciled transactions.

You would normally proceed with a process to match every row in your monthly Bank-fed data file using a regular book-keeping chain or cycle, and match the incoming raw rows using either the button marked ...Add One to Quickbooks...  or  ...Add Multiple...".   

That process is called bank-feed reconciliation to account.  Too bad, because if you make a large error in the labels and names, or the batch mappings, you are doomed to re-establish and re-start the first month and the ENTIRE chain of Bank-fed data from the very first day, just like Adam and Eve. 

So, you better hope you have every file in the chain of those Web Connect files (*.qbo) that you downloaded since the day you purchased Quickbooks.  If you are doing monthly Bank-fed data loads, and you want to  manually edit the XML names and memo fields (using a text editor) BEFORE you load data into Quickbooks, you need to be VERY careful!  Never change any data fields within the RAW XML file EXCEPT the Name and Memo tags (if there is one). Every row in that XML has a set of tags,  <STMTTRN> </STMTTRN> that demarcate each row in your Bank-fed RAW data. You will be in trouble if you change any dates.  You CANNOT remove any single month or batch of months downloaded from your Bank feeds. If you made a mistake, and have already loaded them using Web Connect, and you want to remove the data,  you need to start the entire process from the very start for that particular account with it's configured Web Connect Bank feed (fed to you by the bank).

Yes, you must DELETE the entire Account from the Chart, by first removing  ANY dependent entries or amounts, and then reassign everything from SCRATCH. That is a PAIN, but you will learn, you ink-stained wretch, and Welcome to Quickbooks! This is another defect in the Canadian Desktop version of Quickbooks. 

quick books pro
Level 1

How to delete a bank transaction


I have tried your suggestion but i have no transactions in my list since it was imported into my account. How do i delete these old transactions?


QuickBooks Team

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi Neelu. Thanks for chiming in on this post. I'd be happy to provide the support you need so you can continue to enjoy the great features offered in QuickBooks. To make sure we're both on the same page, could you elaborate more on where you're seeing these transactions on your account? Feel free to send screenshots for visual reference. 

Level 2

How to delete a bank transaction

Couldn't agree more re: the low quality and indirect answers on this thread for Self-Employed. My understanding after reading through various threads is that you CAN delete manually-entered transactions but  you can NOT delete transactions that were auto-generated (imported or via bank integration) - can only EXCLUDE them. Sounds like maybe you can have the Support Team perform a special delete request.

QuickBooks Team

How to delete a bank transaction

Hi there kba736,


I appreciate your feedback about this thread and the information shared here. I've read through it, and part of the problem I see is a mixed discussion of how the banking feeds works in each of our three products: Online, Desktop, and Self-Employed. That can definitely cause some confusion, and I'd like to respond to your question about QuickBooks Self-Employed specifically to make sure you have the answer you're looking for.


In QuickBooks Self-Employed, transactions downloaded from the bank feed connection can be excluded, but there isn't currently an option to delete them outright, even if you've already excluded them. When you exclude a transaction, you can simply ignore it in the feed or use the filters so that you only see certain kinds of transactions. The transactions you can delete are those manually entered into the Transactions section since those are ones you created yourself.


While you can connect with our dedicated QuickBooks Self-Employed team to inquire if there are any special backend tools available to remove those transactions, this is likely a case of submitting feedback to our product development team to share how not being able to delete these transactions impacts you and how you'd like the option to do so. Leaving feedback is pretty simple.

  1. Select the Assistant feature.
  2. Type and enter "feedback" in the chat box.
  3. Follow the prompts.

If you're hoping to connect with a member of our Self-Employed team, instead of typing "feedback" into the chat box, type "talk to human" instead.


I hope this has helped clarify some of what's been said in this thread. Have a great day!

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