Effective financial control and management prove crucial to the success of your small business. With this in mind, one of the most important metrics of financial control in your business is working capital. So, what is working capital? Working capital is the difference between the current assets, such as inventory and cash, and the current liabilities of your business.
Realistically, your working capital measures your company’s short-term financial health and operational efficiency, and it basically displays the balance between what you own and what you owe. If you want to generate maximum revenue from your current business activities, keep your working capital ratio ranges anywhere between one and two.
Sufficient working capital ensures your company has the cash it needs to fund operations. You need working capital to pay for inventory and cut payroll cheques. In addition to smoothing your financial operations, effective working capital management helps improve your company’s profitability. If you run a startup or SME, effective working capital management can make the difference between struggling and success.