Alberta Minimum Wage
The general Alberta minimum wage for most employees is $15.00 per hour.
The minimum wage for a salesperson is $598 per week. Someone qualifies as a salesperson if they are someone who:
- Solicits orders, mainly outside the employer’s place of business for goods or services to be delivered to the buyer, and;
- Is paid fully or in part by commission (not including route salesperson)
- Sells automobiles, recreational vehicles, trucks or busses
- Sells manufactured homes
- Sells farm machinery
- Sells heavy duty construction equipment or road construction equipment
Employees who are eligible for the weekly minimum wage rate of$598 per week include:
- direct sales salesperson
- commission salesperson selling goods delivered later on
- Fam machinery salesperson, manufactured home salesperson, residential home salesperson employed by builder, construction equipment salesperson, or motor vehicle salesperson
- architect
- Accountant
- agrologist
- land agent
- Chiropractor
- engineer or other geoscientist
- Lawyer
- psychologist
- Dentist
- denturist
- optometrist
- Podiatrist
- veterinarian
- information systems professional
Domestic employees (living in their employer’s home) have a minimum wage of $2,848/month. Should your employer provide you with lodging and food, they can deduct these costs from your wages- up to $3.35 per meal, and up to $4.41 per day for lodgings. It is important to note that your employer cannot make a meal deduction if you do not eat.
The minimum wage for students under the age of 18 increased to $13/hour in June of 2019. However, employers can choose to pay students more than this minimum. While school is in session the $13 wage rate applies to the first 28-hours worked in a week. But employers must pay students the general minimum wage of $15/hour past the 28 hours in one week. Overtime rules still apply.