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Level 2

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

Has anyone else experienced this problem?


I connect to my scotiabank fine through the 2 step verification successfully, it displays my totals in each scotia account, however it does not load any transactions since January 1st 2024.

14 Comments 14
QuickBooks Team

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

Hey there, gmesheau.


Thanks for turning to the QuickBooks Community for support. I'd be happy to provide some information about why your transactions may not be uploading.


Sometimes browsing data accumulates and prevents the software from doing what it is supposed to do. I recommend clearing your cache and cookies, switching to another browser, or trying a private browser. This usually resolves browsing data issues. 


If the issue persists after trying the steps provided, I encourage you to reach out to the support team outside of the Community so they can investigate further into why this may be happening. You can reach them by following one of these methods:


Schedule a Callback: click (?)Help in the upper right > type and enter "Contact support" into the QB Assistant > click Contact Us > explain your situation > click Let's Talk > choose Get a callback


Feel free to reach back out if you have any other questions.

Level 2

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

This is happening with my Chrome, Safari and my iOs App. My cache has been emptied and still not luck. 

I will try reaching out to support through the channels you mentioned. 

QuickBooks Team

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

Welcome back, gmesheau. I appreciate you trying the steps provided. Feel free to let me know the outcome once you've reached out to the support team. 

Level 2

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

UPDATE: I just wanted to update this thread in case other Scotiabank customers see it. After speaking with QBSE support the issue is widespread with other SB customers since January 1st 2024. 

This happening on the app, and browser based even when clearing cache or trying a different browser. The totals for the bank accounts update correctly but QBSE cannot pull any of the new transactions from Scotiabank. 

Level 1

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

Experiencing this same issue with Tangerine. (Owned by Scotia.) Very annoying.

Level 2

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

Mine started showing up, though I had to manually input a few from January 1st/2nd. Things seem to be working now, fingers crossed. Hope yours comes around, QBSE has bit pretty underwhelming lately. 



Jonathan B
Level 1

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

me too, same problem with Tangerine. Any work around? Solutions? Is it on QBSE side? or Tangerine/Scotia?

QuickBooks Team

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

Hi Jonathan B,


When there's a disconnect between your financial institution and QuickBooks Self-Employed, the best course of action is to manually import your transactions.  This will ensure your books are accurate and up-to-date.  


If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us outside of this forum.  It would be our pleasure to work with you personally, and ensure you're able to accomplish your QuickBooks goals as soon as possible!


Should any other concerns or questions come to mind, touch base with us again.  We would be glad to assist!

Jonathan B
Level 1

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

So beside manual entry, nobody fixed that issue?

Jonathan B
Level 1

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

I just called tangerine, they said that for security reasons, they are not allowing 3rd party apps, except "Plaid", who is an official partner. It doesn't serve my purposes. So far, all my automatic deposits and bill withdrawals are syncing, but not my interac purchases. I might switch to another bank for my interac. Converting pdf statements to csv is a pain in the butt. I'm not willing to pay for another 3rd party to convert them for me, since I'm using QBSE to save time, money and energy. Is there a link or a list of all the banks working properly with QBSE?

QuickBooks Team

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

Hi Jonathan B,


You may have an issue finding or connecting to your bank if:

  • Your bank has multiple names on our list. 
  • Your bank does not connect to all types of accounts (for example, personal accounts vs business accounts).
  • Your bank is not a participating financial institution.

In addition, you can request support for you bank, by following the steps here.  If you continue to experience the same outcome, please contact QuickBooks Self Employed support, so they can escalate it for further investigation, if needed.


Feel free to touch base with us again, if you have other questions or concerns.  We would be glad to help!

Level 1

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

So this is a service I pay $50 monthly for?

QuickBooks Team

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

Hello mokrofuz. Let me know if you have questions about your service. I'm here to steer you in the right direction. 

Level 1

QBSE will sync with ScotiaBank but will not load transactions since Jan 1st 2024

I have just tried to access my statements for the year on Scotia and it gave me NOV 16 to DEC 17 2024 ! conclusion - I am shutting down ALL my accounts with them WHY should I do CSV files for 8 plus accounts for 11 months !! I can download to excel- CSV files or Quickens.... 


I was informed the best Canadian bank to download transactions is CIBC - My RBC worked up to April. We should have access to this information at ALL times! I waisted a day trying to solve the problem and then when I called the bank after one hour on hold - he hung up on me !!! LIVID of wasting so much time. It is a challenge to learn a new system however  even more frustrating when the systems and platforms do not integrate with each other ....

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