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I don't have my bookkeeper any longer but I have a liabilty audit and they are asking for NYS45 report for and Federal941 how do I find and print them?

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I don't have my bookkeeper any longer but I have a liabilty audit and they are asking for NYS45 report for and Federal941 how do I find and print them?

I'll share with you the four options on how to locate and print the NYS-45 and Federal 941 forms, @johnjcontracting


If your bookkeeper e-filed the two forms through the program, these were automatically archived. Let's go to the Archived Forms page to find and print them. This way, you'll be able to submit them to the appropriate agencies for a liability audit. I'll guide you how. 

  1. Go to Taxes from the left menu.
  2. Select Payroll Tax.
  3. Click View and Print Archived Forms in the Quarterly Forms section.
  4. Choose NYS-45 from the drop-down list on the Archived Forms page. 
  5. Select View.
  6. In the Adobe Reader window, click the Print icon to print it. 
  7. Repeat the process for the Federal 941 form. 


The screenshot below shows you the first four steps.



The process above will also apply if your bookkeeper manually filed the two forms and archived them. See the screenshot below for your visual reference. 



If your bookkeeper only manually filed the forms, you'll want to archive them. Please take note that the available liability periods are within one or two years. For more details, see this article's Archive an old QuickBooks Online Payroll form section: Forms Archiving Process


However, if the two forms are beyond the 2-year liability period, I'd suggest contacting our Customer Care Team. They have the necessary tools to archive them. Doing so will help you view, print, and submit them to the appropriate agencies for audit purposes. 


Also, we want to make sure we're compliant with the state and federal rules and regulations. With this, I recommend clicking the links below. These will help you learn more about the forms, unemployment, other taxes, e-file, pay information, and the appropriate agency details. 


Please know that I'm here anytime you need further assistance. Take care always, @johnjcontracting

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