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I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

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QuickBooks Team

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

Hi there, @user59354.


Welcome to the Community. When you update your online banking credentials through your financial institution (FI) website, your bank account will be disconnected in QuickBooks automatically. Hence, it's always advisable to also update  the credentials in QuickBooks Online to reflect the change.


In your case, I'd suggest you contact your FI and request a reset password. Once done, update your online banking credentials in QuickBooks to maintain the connections. 


For your reference, here's the link that contains detailed steps that will guide you in updating the bank credentials in QuickBooks Online


Let me know if you have additional questions, @user59354. I'm always around to help you some more. 

Level 1

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

When I clicked Edit on the Bank account I did NOT get the option to Edit Sign-In Info.  Presumably that's why the stale credentials were used, resulting in locking me out of online banking at the bank.  I also did NOT get the 103 error.  


Please understand: this is probably a bug at Intuit, and I expect it to be filed as a bug at Intuit.  It needs to be fixed at Intuit.  It is not an issue at the bank.

QuickBooks Team

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

Hello @user59354,


As my colleague mentioned, your bank account will be disconnected in QuickBooks if you update from their website. It's also the reason why you're unable to see the Edit sign-in info option.


That being said, I recommend connecting your bank again. Here's how:

  1. Go to Banking, then Add account.
  2. Enter the bank's URL in the Search field. Then, select your bank.
  3. Enter your bank sign-in information on your bank's website, then Continue.

If you're still getting the same result, please contact our Customer Care Support so we can investigate further.

In case you need some helpful articles for your future tasks, please check this link: Banking and bank feeds.



Reach out to me anytime if you have other questions. I'd e glad to help. Thanks for joining and have a wonderful day.

Level 1

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

The original cause of the problem was that I was not able to edit the sign in info to use the new password I set at the bank before the password was revoked, and the password was revoked because QBO kept trying to use the old password.   There was no obvious way to change the old password in QBO before it triggered the security alert at the bank for using the wrong password, which disabled the password everywhere, including at the bank web site. 

It's a catch-22: impossible to change password causes incorrect password to be used and password to be revoked by bank.  It should not be necessary to unlink a bank account, or use the wrong (old) password in order to change the password within QBO.  This is a QBO bug.


The most likely cause is QBO using a stale cached credential or a stale cached auth token.


It's also a new bug as this was not the behavior before.


This is a bug report.  Please file it as a bug report. 

If you don't understand how it's a bug, then please escalate to someone who does.


Sorry to sound frustrated.  I am trying to help Intuit by alerting you to a new bug that would affect any customer using linked Wells Fargo (and possibly other banks) bank accounts, which is probably a very large number of customers.


P.S.  My bank accounts were NOT disconnected from QBO when I changed the bank password at the bank.

Anna S
QuickBooks Team

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

Hey there, @user59354.


Before I can report this issue as a bug, there are a couple of things I need for you to try first. 


Since the password is updated through Wells Fargo, I suggest opening QuickBooks in a private (incognito) window and then clicking the pencil to see if the option to Edit sign-in Info is available. If it appears, you'll need to clear your cache and cookies. This will erase any stored data on your web browser and allow the program to run more efficiently. However, if it doesn't appear, I recommend going through the steps provided by @ShiellaGraceA to connect your bank account. Sometimes when you change the bank password, QuickBooks can disconnect from the bank to prevent transactions from coming in. 


Please let me know if this gets you back to business. I'll keep an eye out for your response.

Level 1

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

Edit sign-in Info is not now and has not been available in any recent days under Edit account info for my bank accounts in QBO, including before and after the recent banking password change.

QuickBooks Team

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

We want to investigate this further, user59354.


I'd recommend contacting our Customer Care Team. We will work with our engineers to see what's causing this behavior. 


Here’s how you can reach out to us:

  1. Click the Help icon located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. In the Help window, click the Contact Us button located at the bottom.
  3. Enter your question and click Let's talk.
  4. Select Start messaging or Get a callback.



Please keep us posted on how the call went. We are always available if you have any additional questions or other concerns. Thanks.

Level 1

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

I successfully changed my password (again) at Wells Fargo, disconnected my banking accounts on QBO and tried to reconnect the accounts from QBO.  Went through the authorization process at Wells Fargo via QBO.  Entered all the info.  QBO said it was connecting the accounts then timed out and said essentially the connection was not available currently.  I was logged into the Wells Fargo account web site at the same time and it too said online banking was not available.  I called Wells Fargo and they said my accounts were good and things should work.  Will try again later and update here.


Things are not working well, and it's probably on the QBO side.


Will try to connect accounts again later.


If needed, I will contact Intuit support during business hours tomorrow.

Level 1

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

Quick update: I was able to disconnect and reconnect my bank accounts in QBO, but am still not seeing any "Edit Sign-In Info" option under "Edit Account Info."  This seems like a bug.  Will contact Intuit support during business hours.


Same result from a new Incognito window with all browser cache data cleared.

Level 1

I updated my banking password at Wells Fargo. I was not able to update it in QBO. Now I'm locked out of banking, presumably due to QBO using the old cached credential.

I found this via searching because I have the same exact problem - and with Wellsfargo as well.  Definitely a bug.

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