QB checking (Green Dot) added two extra bank accounts. These were removed with help from support after merging, changing names, and merging again (though no explanation of why QB messed with our Chart of Accounts). Since then payroll was run, but it tried to draw from one of the accounts that was removed and it caused an NSF charge of $100 from QB third-party provider, Paycycle Inc.
The money for payroll was wired for payroll to them - but we're unable to reconnect Payroll.
QB Payroll (XXX XXX XXX) is unable to create a case. QB support passes us off to them without creating a case number. Intuit Office of the President
(https://www.intuit.com/company/contact/office-of-the-president/ )
won't do anything without a case number.
Does anybody have a personal contact at Intuit to resolve? thanks.