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Can I delete a customized report I no longer need?

I saved some customized reports that were very specific, and I don't need them anymore. How do I make them go away?
1 Comment 1

Can I delete a customized report I no longer need?

Yes, you can delete customized reports that you no longer need, @TopekaCemetery. This can be done by going to the Custom reports tab, and I'm here to guide you how. 

  1. Go to Reports from the left menu. 
  2. Select Custom reports
  3. Locate your custom report. 
  4. In the Action column, choose Delete from the Edit drop-down. 
  5. Click Yes to confirm. 
  6. Repeat the process above for your other customized reports. 


The screenshot below shows you the first to fifth steps. 



Aside from deleting customized reports, you can also edit and export them as PDF or Excel from the Custom Reports tab. For more details, see the How to find, run, export to excel, and edit/delete a memorized report section through this article: Memorize Reports. This link also provides you steps on how to set a schedule and email information for a memorized report. 


I'll be right here to help if you need anything else. Have a great rest of your day, @TopekaCemetery.

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