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I cancelled my QBSE subscription 11 months ago, and now need my old data restored. I believe I requested to have the data deleted (and backed it up). How do I retrieve?

I have re-subscribed to QBSE and none of my old data exists. As I mentioned in my question above, I believe I requested to have my data deleted upon cancelling my subscription. I also backed up the data. I vaguely remember reading something that said if I needed my data back after deletion, I would still be able to do so. What are the proper steps here?
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I cancelled my QBSE subscription 11 months ago, and now need my old data restored. I believe I requested to have the data deleted (and backed it up). How do I retrieve?

I can help you with recovering those old data from your account, @jpatt1.


After canceling your account, QuickBooks Self-Employed (QBSE) will keep your data for one year. You can use the same account using your old information upon resubscribing within the year if you didn't delete them before canceling it.


To check if you can still archive those old data from the account, I suggest reaching out to our Customer Support team for QBSE. They have the tools to check if they can still recover those accounts in a safe and secure environment. 


Here's how to reach them:

  1. Go to the Assistant menu from the top bar.
  2. Enter Talk to a human and select I still need a human.
  3. You'll now be provided with support options that are available at that time.
  4. Choose if you'd like to Message an agent or Get a callback


Here's the contact QuickBooks Self-Employed Support article for more information on how to reach them and their support hours.qbse contact support us.JPG


You can also have this article for more information about recovering your canceled account in QBSE: Resubscribe to QuickBooks Self-Employed


Let me know if there's anything that I can help with using your QBSE account. I'm always here ready to help. Have a great rest of the day!

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