Hello there, @gdgallagher. Rustler is correct, and I'm just here to walk you through the complete steps to accomplish this task.
Permanently deleting a transaction can be done in a few steps in QuickBooks Online. Here's how:
- Go to the Sales menu if you'll delete a sales transaction. Go to the Expenses menu if you want a bill or a transaction from the vendor's side.
- Find the transaction. You can filter the correct date or status of the transaction to easily find it.
- In the Action column, select the dropdown ▼ and then select View/Edit to open the transaction.

- Then select Save.
- Select More. Then Delete.
- Click Yes to confirm.

If you delete an invoice that has a payment attached to it, QuickBooks won’t delete the payment. With that, you'll have to manually delete it (if necessary). For more details, you can check this article: Void or delete transactions in QuickBooks Online.
Also, can you share if you got an error when trying to make changes with the transaction? This helps me check more resources and provide further details about your concern.
If you'll want to run QuickBooks reports to review your transactions and accounts, you can utilize this article for additional information:
Let me know if you have additional questions about QuickBooks transactions. QuickBooks Team and other users might also join to assist you anytime. Take care and stay safe, gdgallagher.