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I need help reconciling Amazon Seller Central deposits in Bank account. We sell through Big Commerce but it seems the fees and tax are hard to find Help?

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I need help reconciling Amazon Seller Central deposits in Bank account. We sell through Big Commerce but it seems the fees and tax are hard to find Help?

Hello there, accounting454.


As long as the fees are recorded in the Amazon account, they should show up in the Reconciliation. You can customize the transaction type and apply the right details to find them easily. Here's how:


  1. Click the Funnel icon.
  2. Select the type of transaction you want.
  3. Then, hit Apply.


If there are still not showing, it could be that there are not yet recorded in the account. You can manually enter the fess in the register by following the steps below:


  1. Go to Accounting on the left panel.
  2. In the Chart of Accounts tab, find the account where you want to enter the transactions. Then, click View Register.
  3. Click the Add drop-down arrow and select the type of transaction.
  4. Enter the amount and other required details.
  5. Make sure to select the correct dates. Then, Save.


To keep your transactions organize, you can use these articles as your guide:



Please don't hesitate to post again if you have other questions. Take care and stay safe always.

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