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deleting transactions

I expensed some transactions with a tag to be able to separate them from the main business but keep track of, is there a way to remove and delete the transactions by tag, since this is how I separated them, I would like to easily look them up by a tag and then delete all transactions that are connected to that tag. Remove them completely from my expenses??

1 Comment 1

deleting transactions

Hello there, rbkoffice.


The option to delete transactions by tag is not currently available in QuickBooks Online. At this time, the manual deletion of these transactions within the system is the only option.


I suggest sending feedback directly to our product engineers. Within your QBO account, navigate to the Gear icon and choose the Feedback option.



While doing this is not yet possible, we have to delete them one by one.  You can run the Transaction List by Tag report for a comprehensive overview of all your expenses within the specified date range along with the Tags column. Here's how you could do it:


  1. Go to the Reports menu.
  2. In the search field, search for Transaction List by Tag Group report.
  3. Make sure to set the reporting date correctly.
  4. In the Rows/Columns section, tick the box of the tag name.
  5. Go to the Filter section and select appropriate transaction in the Transaction Type box.
  6. Customize it according to your needs.
  7. Hit Run report.


Once done, you'll want to use the Save customization button. This will prevent you from needing to redo the customization every time you delete an expense. After you saved it, you can follow these when deleting the transactions.


  1. Go to the Reports menu.
  2. In the Custom reports section, click the custom report you saved.
  3. Select the expense you want to manage. Once the transaction is open, choose More, then Delete, and finally, confirm by selecting Yes.

I appreciate your for considering QuickBooks Community to answer your inquiry. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals in any way we can. Bye for now and take care.

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