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I am the Primary Admin - If I need to undo a reconciliation.... do I need to have our accountant do it...or can I do it my self?

I am new with the online version of Quick Books
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QuickBooks Team

I am the Primary Admin - If I need to undo a reconciliation.... do I need to have our accountant do it...or can I do it my self?

Thank you for using QuickBooks Online, Valle. You can undo your reconciliation by yourself or with an accountant. 


If you do this yourself, we'll have to manually unreconcile the transactions. Take note that even minor modifications can unbalance your accounts. To minimize the effect of the changes, we can only do it one at a time. 


Here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon and select Chart of accounts.
  2. Open your bank register, then locate the appropriate transaction.
  3. Select it to expand the view and review the Check column.
  4. Keep clicking the checkbox until it becomes blank.
  5. Hit Save.

    Bank Reco Sample.jpg


If you want to start over completely, you'll need to invite your accountant to your company. Please know that the option to undo an entire reconciliation is only available in QuickBooks Online Accountant.


Moreover, here are some resources that will help you resolve common reconciliation errors:



I can still back you up if you need further clarification regarding bank reconciliation. Just enter your response in the comments section below, and rest assured that I will take care of them. 

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