Please learn from this input.
This is Fine: "because if I delete or unreconcile that transaction it puts my opening balance off. "
Now you will ignore the beginning balance because you Affected it. Your Housekeeping changed it. The Beginning Balance is the Net of all previously Cleared transactions. When you do housekeeping that removes or replaces or changes transactions, that you know is the Right thing to do and you know the Values are right, of Course you affected that Beginning Balance if these were previously marked as Cleared/reconciled because you affected their status. So, ignore that beginning balance. When you Re-reconcile, you Checkmark the recreated transactions that you know were previously that Status of Cleared, to show you are back on track. You should still use the Ending Balance as your goal; that is Always your target. You should get a difference of 0, compared to that ending balance; that is Always your goal.