Happy Friday, QB Community!
Welcome to our round-up of inspiring and thought-provoking conversations happening in our community this week. Click the links below to see what you may have missed. You just might find the information you’ve been looking for!
This week, get inspired by a QB Community member who said “see ya” to corporate America and joined a fiesty startup with a big-hearted mission.
You Said It! Q & A with QB Community Member Sherrie Bainer
Burning Question
We blinked, and January is almost half-over. That doesn’t mean it’s too late to set goals and intentions for the year ahead. Tell us:
What's Your One-Word Theme for 2018?
Let’s Talk QuickBooks
Ever wished you could organize all your accounting details by project? Thanks to the Projects Center, you can. Find out how this brand new feature can help you streamline all your financial transactions and data.
What’s New with QuickBooks: Projects Center - An Easy Way to Organize Your Accounting by Project
Plus, tax-filing deadlines are fast approaching. Check out these resources and links to make sure you know what your state expects.
Intuit Databases for State Tax Questions
On Your Mind Right Now
QuickBook’s new BACKING YOU campaign puts small business owners like you where you belong -- in the spotlight! Meet a fierce female trucker who’s an advocate for equality in her male-dominated industry.
BACKING YOU -- Desiree Wood Is One Real Mother Trucker
Before You Go
Do you remember the exact moment or event that sent you down the path of entrepreneurship? We bet you can -- and we hope you’ll tell us all about it.
Was there a specific life event that motivated you to work for yourself?
Have a lovely weekend!