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Level 1

Cannot update credit card infrormation on site

When I log into my payroll account within quick books and try to "Edit billing info", I get an DENIED message as my name is misspelled for the "primary contact". So, I CANNOT update credit card info!


All the information shown within QuickBooks itself is correct (Owner/Principal, Payroll Admin, etc.), but I have no idea how to change the "primary contact".


Furthermore, there seems to be no way to talk to anyone at Inuit.


I'm paying $500/year for payroll and can't even talk to a person to help give Intuit additional $500 payments?


What to do???



2 Comments 2

Cannot update credit card infrormation on site

How frustrating, @morkus.


I believe the best course of action will be for you to update this primary contact to the correct spelling so you can once again access this. Here's how:

  1. Log in to your Customer Account Portal.
  2. Select Request to become primary contact.
    1. CAMPSrequestprimarycontactchange_Tools_US_INT_072320.png
  3. Select the company you'd like to transfer.  Fill in the Reason for request and all required info.
  4. Select Next and review all the info for accuracy.
  5. Attach the requested documentation.
    1. The documentation requirements change on the type of business you select.
    2. Requestprimarycontactchangeform_Tools_US_INT_072320.png

We'll process your request within 3 business days.


You can reference this article as well: Change the Primary Contact for QuickBooks Desktop.


I'd love to hear how this goes! If you have additional questions on this, or anything else, I'm here to help! Take care.

Level 1

Cannot update credit card infrormation on site

When I logged into the portal, that button was not shown with that text.


In any case, I finally figured out how to get help from Intuit via the QB help menu and have gotten the issue resolved with Intuit's assistance.


I appreciate your kind reply. :)

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