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Level 2

Deduction Report from the employee profile

in QB Desktop-I need to run a report on the data in the employee profile. I changed 300+ payroll deductions and I want to audit my work before I run payroll. 


What report can I use that will provide a list of the deductions entered into the employee profile? The only thing I found was the employee withholding report. But this report is messy and the formatting of it doesn't allow me to manipulate it easily. 

6 Comments 6
Community Champion

Deduction Report from the employee profile

I think you've pretty much found what QB has to offer.


There isn't a report that will - for example - list all of your employees and all of the payroll items and whether or not they're used on the employees (or their other properties).

Level 2

Deduction Report from the employee profile

Thanks! So how do other companies audit their payroll deductions? They just wait for a payroll run to be able to run reports on the deductions. 

I'm trying to find the best way to audit employee records. During open enrollment, I make about 600 payroll deduction changes and it would be helpful if I could audit my work before I process payroll. 

Level 2

Deduction Report from the employee profile

I agree, I am also looking for a "scheduled employee deduction report" to make sure all of my data changes from OE are correct.  I want to see for all employees what deductions are set up.  Is there still no answer to this?

Level 2

Deduction Report from the employee profile

Hi!  My co-worker figured this out (none of these other suggestions work and QB tech support has not been helpful at all and should have known how to answer this).   Go to Reports / Employees & Payroll / Employee Contact List.  Choose to Customize.  Once there, check off ALL items called "Adjust 1/Amt/Limit" we have 10 of them, these are the programmed deductions.  Run the report and you can export it and will show all of the employees with their scheduled deductions.  WaLA!  


Level 1

Deduction Report from the employee profile

thank you so much!!

Level 1

Deduction Report from the employee profile

Thank you...... Now to figure out how to sort by deduction and not by the order they are entered into the system.  QB needs to come up with something better than this!!!!

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