You can locate which account your tax withheld is located by going to your payroll settings, , @DK195977. I can help you in accomplish this in your QuickBooks Online (QBO).
When you go to your payroll settings, you will find various options to assist you in managing your payroll preferences. Additionally, you will be able to access important details such as the account to which your taxes are linked. Allow me to assist you in locating your tax withholding.
- Open your QBO.
- On your Upper right corner, click the Gear icon, and select Payroll settings.
- Once there, scroll down to find the Accounting section.
- Click the pencil icon to edit.
- Hover to the Tax Liability Accounts and click the pencil icon. Once there, you can find which account your local income tax are linked to.
- Click the dropdown button to change the account of your local income tax.
- Click Save and Done.
Additionally, if you want to make changes to your employee's filling info, you can read this article to learn more: Edit or change employee info in payroll.
Feel free to reply to this post if you need further assistance with remapping your local income tax withholding in QBO. I'm always available to help.