Filing Form 990 is unavailable, @bmcc1200. I can share what you can do for the preparation.
QuickBooks Online does not support e-filing 990. Not to worry, we can run reports needed by a tax preparer. It can be the 1099 Transaction Detail Report, the Profit and Loss, or the Balance Sheet.
Here's how:
- On the left panel, select the Reports menu.
- Enter the report you'd like to generate.

Once done, you can file the said form outside QuickBooks. Read this instruction for Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax in the IRS.
See this article to learn how to tailor it according to your needs: Customize reports in QuickBooks Online.
Bookmark this guide for reference in saving the current customization: Memorize reports in QuickBooks Online.
Don't hesitate to post again or reply below if you need anything else about the tax form. I'll jump right back to help you again. Have a great day!