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Level 1

QB Payroll Correction MESS

I need help. I am appalled at the lack of professionalism and knowledge of my payroll correction request. Please listen to the phone call I had with this agent, and review these messages. 

Summary: Requested payroll correction on 2/1/23 due to payroll module not loading in the historical paycheck data that I entered at set up. On 3/9/23, received notice the case was assigned, and I was asked to enter the data that needed to be added to the payroll module in a template and upload it. I completed that process. Agent then told me they entered everything and asked me to verify they entered it correctly. I notified the agent that the FUTA was entered incorrectly on one paycheck (entered as $4.50 instead of $7.50). A simple keying error from the agent. However, it has led to a SERIES of errors and adjustments and my books are now a mess. Instead of correcting the small $3.00 keying error, the agent adjusted Medicaid, which was never incorrect, but then that led to a request to have taxes refunded for the amount of the adjustment, which isn't necessary or correct. Then they adjusted FUTA by -$3.00, meaning FUTA was then off by $6.00 instead of $3.00. When they tried again, now I have a DUPLICATE paycheck showing up on my chart of accounts, so all of my payroll ledgers are incorrect at this point. 
I have requested escalation (on the phone) and was denied. I called customer service today to ask for help, and when I asked for a manager they hung up on me. Please listen to the recording. I am an Accountant. I know how to do my books. I could correct all these issues myself, except for the fact that the system does not give me access to do so. These errors have tax implications. My books are currently a mess, through no fault of my own. I do not take this lightly. I am paying for a service and yet all I am getting is more work, from something that was supposed to simplify my life. I regret ever signing up for QB Payroll.
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Level 1

QB Payroll Correction MESS

My newest response from the case owner:

This has been reviewed by supervisors and we found out that the amount on FUTA is accurate already. We understand that you want to see your desired amount however as we study your account, the said employee is not exempted and that employee reached the wage cap for FUTA. If you wish to clarify this amount please reach out to your Federal Tax Agency.


The FUTA is only incorrect because she messed it up to begin with. Also, didn't address the fact that now I have a duplicate payroll entry on my chart of accounts, so all of my payroll liability and wages accounts are off in my books. Unreal. Then, before I could respond with the reconciliation spreadsheet I prepared, to try to help her understand all of the errors, she completed the case. With no resolution, aside from just informing me that I am incorrect in my FUTA calculations. I still sent the reconciliation spreadsheet to her, though I'm not hopeful she will even understand.


I have requested escalation over 4 times at this point, to no avail. 


I would like to know the qualifications for these individuals making corrections on our behalf. I am a high level Accountant. I know how to do my books. And I know how to identify errors. And I could not have been more clear in what has been the problem from the get go.

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